Кілттік сөздер:
CDH1 ген, ген mRNA,Аннотация
Установлено, что на mRNA гена Е-кадерина (CDH1) человека действуют 29 межгенных miRNA и 15 интронных miRNA. Вычислены значения скора и величины свободной энергии связывания miRNA с участками 3'- нетранслируемой области mRNA гена CDH1. Выявлены особенности связывания изученных miRNA с этой областью mRNA гена CDH1. Е-кадерина (CDH1) генінің mRNA 29 генаралық жəне 15 интронды miRNA əсер ететіні анықталды. MiRNA-ның CDH1 генінің mRNA-ның 3'-кодтамайтын ауданымен байланысуының скор мəні мен байланысудың бос энергиясының мəні есептелінді. MiRNA-ның CDH1 генінің mRNA-ның бұл ауданымен байланысу ерекшеліктері анықталды.Библиографиялық сілтемелер
1. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/omim/192090
2. Boonstra J.J., van Marion R., Tilanus H.W., Dinjens W.N. Functional polymorphisms associated with diseasefree
survival in resected carcinoma of the esophagus. J. Gastrointest. Surg., 2011, V.15, P.48-56.
3. Cho I.J., Kim Y.W., Han C.Y. et al. E-cadherin antagonizes transforming growth factor ОІ1 gene induction in
hepatic stellate cells by inhibiting RhoA-dependent Smad3 phosphorylation. Hepatology, 2010, V.52, P.2053-2064.
4. Mao Z., Ma X., Rong Y. et al. Connective tissue growth factor enhances the migration of gastric cancer
through downregulation of E-cadherin via the NF-ОєB pathway.Cancer Sci., 2011, V.102, P.104-110.
5. Sterlacci W., Fiegl M., Hilbe W. et al. Deregulation of p27 and cyclin D1/D3 control over mitosis is associated
with unfavorable prognosis in non-small cell lung cancer, as determined in 405 operated patients. J. Thorac. Oncol., 2010, V.5, P.1325-1336.
6. Bagnyukova T.V., Pogribny I.P., Chekhun V.F. microRNAs in normal and cancer cells: a new class of gene expression regulators. Experimental Oncol., 2006, V.28, P.263-269.
7. Almeida M.I., Reis R.M., Calin G.A. MYC-microRNA-9-metastasis connection in breast cancer. Cell Research, 2010, V.20, P.603-604.
8. Le X.L., Merchant O., Bast R.C., Calin G.F. The roles of microRNAs in the cancer invasion-metastasis cascade. Cancer Microenviron, 2010, V.23, P.137-147.
9. Xu J. , Li C.-X. , Li Y.-S. et.al. MiRNA–miRNA synergistic network: construction via co-regulating functional
modules and disease miRNA topological featuresNucleic Acids Research, 2011, V. 39,P. 825–836
2. Boonstra J.J., van Marion R., Tilanus H.W., Dinjens W.N. Functional polymorphisms associated with diseasefree
survival in resected carcinoma of the esophagus. J. Gastrointest. Surg., 2011, V.15, P.48-56.
3. Cho I.J., Kim Y.W., Han C.Y. et al. E-cadherin antagonizes transforming growth factor ОІ1 gene induction in
hepatic stellate cells by inhibiting RhoA-dependent Smad3 phosphorylation. Hepatology, 2010, V.52, P.2053-2064.
4. Mao Z., Ma X., Rong Y. et al. Connective tissue growth factor enhances the migration of gastric cancer
through downregulation of E-cadherin via the NF-ОєB pathway.Cancer Sci., 2011, V.102, P.104-110.
5. Sterlacci W., Fiegl M., Hilbe W. et al. Deregulation of p27 and cyclin D1/D3 control over mitosis is associated
with unfavorable prognosis in non-small cell lung cancer, as determined in 405 operated patients. J. Thorac. Oncol., 2010, V.5, P.1325-1336.
6. Bagnyukova T.V., Pogribny I.P., Chekhun V.F. microRNAs in normal and cancer cells: a new class of gene expression regulators. Experimental Oncol., 2006, V.28, P.263-269.
7. Almeida M.I., Reis R.M., Calin G.A. MYC-microRNA-9-metastasis connection in breast cancer. Cell Research, 2010, V.20, P.603-604.
8. Le X.L., Merchant O., Bast R.C., Calin G.F. The roles of microRNAs in the cancer invasion-metastasis cascade. Cancer Microenviron, 2010, V.23, P.137-147.
9. Xu J. , Li C.-X. , Li Y.-S. et.al. MiRNA–miRNA synergistic network: construction via co-regulating functional
modules and disease miRNA topological featuresNucleic Acids Research, 2011, V. 39,P. 825–836
Как цитировать
Исабекова, А. С., Берилло, О. А., Хайленко, В. А., & Иващенко, А. Т. (2009). ОСОБЕННОСТИ СВЯЗЫВАНИЯ МЕЖГЕННЫХ И ИНТРОННЫХ miRNA С mRNA ГЕНА Е-КАДЕРИНА ЧЕЛОВЕКА. ҚазҰУ Хабаршысы. Биология сериясы, 47(1), 18–22. вилучено із https://bb.kaznu.kz/index.php/biology/article/view/317