Selection and harvesting methods to breeding material for further creating collection of domestic pumpkins from Cucurbitaceae Juss. family
pumpkin, Cucurbitaceaejuss., biofertilizer, hybrids.Abstract
Over past centuries pumpkins due to their useful properties remained one of the most popular vegetable plants in the world. It has been established that seeds and preparations obtained from ripen pumpkins, possess membrane-stabilizing, anti-hypoxanthine, anti-hypertensive, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic andanti-atherosclerotic impacts. They have also no contraindications and side effects to be thus recommended as a dietary supplements to food for children, pregnant and lactating women and elderly people. Issues relating to the creation of domestic pumpkin collection including food, feed and heirloom specimens invite a special attention in our country. To achieve this aim new methods of planning, treating seedlings with biofertilizer, and analysis of ripen pumpkin material have been developed.References
1. Лудилов В.А. Тыква и кабачки. Значение, характеристики, распространенные сорта. – Волгоград, 1962. – 23 c.
2. Applequist W.L., Avula B., Schaneberg B.T. Comparative fatty acid content of seeds of four Cucurbita species grown in a common (shared) garden // Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. – September-November 2006. – Volume 19. – Issues 6. – Р. 606-611.
3. Xanthopoulou M.N., Nomikos T., Fragopoulou E. Antioxidant and lipoxygenase inhibitory activities of pumpkin seed extracts // Food Research International. – June-July 2009. – Volume 42. – Issues 5-6. – Р. 641-646.
4. Procida G., Stancher B., Cateni F., Zacchigna M.J. Chemical composition and functional characterization of commercial pumpkin seed oil // Sci Food Agric. – 2013. – №93(5). – Р. 1035.
5. Lin K.H., Hsu C.Y., Huang Y.P., Lai J.Y., Hsieh W.B., Huang M.Y., Yang C.M., Chao P.Y. Chlorophyll-related compounds inhibit cell adhesion and inflammation in human aortic cells // Journal of Medicinal Food. – 2013 Oct. –16(10). – p.98
6. Гуцалюк Т.Г. От арбуза до тыквы. – Кайнар, 1989. – С. 272.
1. Ludilov V.A. Pumpkins and squashes. Meaning, characteristics and spreading. – Volgograd, 1962. – p. 23
2. Applequist W.L., Avula B., Schaneberg B.T. Comparative fatty acid content of seeds of four Cucurbita species grown in a common (shared) garden // Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. – September-November 2006. – Volume 19. – Issues 6. – Р. 606-611.
3. Xanthopoulou M.N., Nomikos T., Fragopoulou E. Antioxidant and lipoxygenase inhibitory activities of pumpkin seed extracts // Food Research International. – June-July 2009. – Volume 42. – Issues 5-6. – Р. 641-646.
4. Procida G., Stancher B., Cateni F., Zacchigna M.J. Chemical composition and functional characterization of commercial pumpkin seed oil // Sci Food Agric. – 2013. – №93(5). – Р. 1035.
5. Lin K.H., Hsu C.Y., Huang Y.P., Lai J.Y., Hsieh W.B., Huang M.Y., Yang C.M., Chao P.Y. Chlorophyll-related compounds inhibit cell adhesion and inflammation in human aortic cells // Journal of Medicinal Food. – 2013 Oct. –16(10). – p.98
6. Gucaluck T.G. From Watermelon to Pumpkin. – Kainar, 1989. – p.272.
1. Лудилов В.А. Тыква и кабачки. Значение, характеристики, распространенные сорта. – Волгоград, 1962. – 23 c.
2. Applequist W.L., Avula B., Schaneberg B.T. Comparative fatty acid content of seeds of four Cucurbita species grown in a common (shared) garden // Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. – September-November 2006. – Volume 19. – Issues 6. – Р. 606-611.
3. Xanthopoulou M.N., Nomikos T., Fragopoulou E. Antioxidant and lipoxygenase inhibitory activities of pumpkin seed extracts // Food Research International. – June-July 2009. – Volume 42. – Issues 5-6. – Р. 641-646.
4. Procida G., Stancher B., Cateni F., Zacchigna M.J. Chemical composition and functional characterization of commercial pumpkin seed oil // Sci Food Agric. – 2013. – №93(5). – Р. 1035.
5. Lin K.H., Hsu C.Y., Huang Y.P., Lai J.Y., Hsieh W.B., Huang M.Y., Yang C.M., Chao P.Y. Chlorophyll-related compounds inhibit cell adhesion and inflammation in human aortic cells // Journal of Medicinal Food. – 2013 Oct. –16(10). – p.98
6. Гуцалюк Т.Г. От арбуза до тыквы. – Кайнар, 1989. – С. 272.
1. Ludilov V.A. Pumpkins and squashes. Meaning, characteristics and spreading. – Volgograd, 1962. – p. 23
2. Applequist W.L., Avula B., Schaneberg B.T. Comparative fatty acid content of seeds of four Cucurbita species grown in a common (shared) garden // Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. – September-November 2006. – Volume 19. – Issues 6. – Р. 606-611.
3. Xanthopoulou M.N., Nomikos T., Fragopoulou E. Antioxidant and lipoxygenase inhibitory activities of pumpkin seed extracts // Food Research International. – June-July 2009. – Volume 42. – Issues 5-6. – Р. 641-646.
4. Procida G., Stancher B., Cateni F., Zacchigna M.J. Chemical composition and functional characterization of commercial pumpkin seed oil // Sci Food Agric. – 2013. – №93(5). – Р. 1035.
5. Lin K.H., Hsu C.Y., Huang Y.P., Lai J.Y., Hsieh W.B., Huang M.Y., Yang C.M., Chao P.Y. Chlorophyll-related compounds inhibit cell adhesion and inflammation in human aortic cells // Journal of Medicinal Food. – 2013 Oct. –16(10). – p.98
6. Gucaluck T.G. From Watermelon to Pumpkin. – Kainar, 1989. – p.272.
How to Cite
Aytasheva, Z. G., Tagaev, K., Lebedeva, L. P., Djumabaeva, B. A., & Dauletbaeva, S. B. (2016). Selection and harvesting methods to breeding material for further creating collection of domestic pumpkins from Cucurbitaceae Juss. family. Experimental Biology, 63(1), 3–9. Retrieved from
Experimental biology. Biological bases of genofonds and the development of scientific research in the field of plant