Resource assessment and ecological-phytocenotic structure of pasture lands of the Central Kazakhstan hill chain


  • S. A. Kubentaev 1. «Astana Botanical Garden» branch of the Republican State Enterprise on the right of economic management "Institute of Botany and Phytoinroduction" оf the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Republic of Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan
  • B. S. Seysenov Branch «Scientific and innovative center of animal breeding» LLP «Kazakh research Institute of animal breeding and forage production»; Republic of Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan;
  • L. T. Bulekbayeva Branch «Scientific and innovative center of animal breeding» LLP «Kazakh research Institute of animal breeding and forage production»; Republic of Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan
  • R. T. Zhilkaidarov Branch «Scientific and innovative center of animal breeding» LLP «Kazakh research Institute of animal breeding and forage production»; Republic of Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan
  • N. E. Tarasovskaya Republican State Enterprise on the right of economic management «Pavlodar State Pedagogical University» of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Pavlodar.

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This paper presents the results of complex studies of pasture lands of Central Kazakhstan. The research was carried out on the territory of Karaganda region in the South-Eastern part of the Central Kazakhstan melkosopochnik. The article gives detailed geobotanical descriptions of plant communities and resources of pasture lands on two model farms of LLP "Atamura-Tabys" and KH "Er-DOS". Systematic analysis of all plant communities in the study area showed that the largest number of species is concentrated in the families Poaceae; Asteraceae; Rosaceae; Lamiaceae and Scrophulariaceae. Quality assessment of the fodder value of plant communities LLP "Atamura-Tabys" showed that community reedgrass - grass- sagebrush steppes with participation of shrubs and forb-herd grass-fescue-quack-grass meadow steppes are characterized by average quality pasture with a yield of 19.2 с/ha and 29.6 с/ha. Good fodder significance is characterized by a community of mixed-gramineous and grass-herdsman meadows where species with high and good fodder dignity predominate, and yields of 30.4 c/ha. In the plant communities of Peasant Farm «Er-DOS», the average quality indicator of pasture lands is characterized by mixed herbs-feather grass-spirea steppes and peat-land meadow in river floodplains with the participation of mixed-gramineous communities, where yields on average are 14.1 and 17.2 c/ha. Communities on steppe halophytic meadows should be attributed to pastures with a low quality index of feed significance with a low yield of 7.3 c/ha.

Key words: Pasture, animal breeding, Central Kazakhstan hill chain, Karaganda region, Republic of Kazakhstan, productivity, vegetation, resources.



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26. Vanselow K.A., Kraudzun T., Samimi C. (2012) Grazing practices and pasture tenure in the Eastern Pamirs: the nexus of pasture use, pasture potential and property rights. Mountain Research and Development, vol. 32, pp. 324-336. DOI: 10.1659/MRD-JOURNAL-D-12-00001.1
27. Wang C., Meng F., Li X., Jiang L., Wang S. (2014) Factors affecting plant primary productivity of grasslands: A review. Shengtai Xuebao. vol. 34: 4125-4132. DOI: 10.5846/stxb201212171811


How to Cite

Kubentaev, S. A., Seysenov, B. S., Bulekbayeva, L. T., Zhilkaidarov, R. T., & Tarasovskaya, N. E. (2020). Resource assessment and ecological-phytocenotic structure of pasture lands of the Central Kazakhstan hill chain. Experimental Biology, 82(1), 34–51.

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