Creation and ecological trail of the precocious spring wheat forms, obtained by the use of cell technology
wheat, callus tissues, regenerated plants, precocity, ecological trial.Abstract
398 R0 plants were regenerated from long-term cultivated calli of 28 commercially important new generation’s wheat varieties. From these 110 plants of 18 varieties brought up R1 seed generation. 47 lines (37%) from those 110 lines of R1 we selected that had accelerated term of maturation on 3-6 days compared to initial varieties. Ecological trial of selected lines in R2 generation at North and Central Kazakhstan conditions allowed to prove the expression of the precocity trait (accelerated development on 1-8 days) and to select the precocious forms (25-47,7% from the number of lines tested) with high productivity and drought resistance traits which were most prospective for each region. Thus, we have shown the principal possibility of the creation of spring wheat precocious forms with the complex of valuable economic-biological traits for growing in North and Central Kazakhstan by the use of cell technology developed by us.References
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1 Larkin P.J., Scowcroft W.R. Somaclonal variation – a novel source of variability from cell culture for plant improvement // Theor. AndAppl. Genet. – 1981. – Vol. 60, №4. – P. 197-214.
2 Сидоров В.А. Биотехнология растений. Клеточная селекция / Отв. Ред. Глеба Ю.Ю. – Киев: Наукова Думка, 1990. – 280 с.
3 Бишимбаева Н.К., Амирова А.К., Беглов Р.Б., Карабаев М.К., Рахимбаев И.Р. Разработка биотехнологических методов для генетического улучшения пшеницы // Материалы респуб. научно-практического семинара «Итоги выполнения РНТП Ц0252 «Научно-техническое обеспечение и организация производства биотехнологической продукции в Республике Казахстан» на 2001-2005 гг. – Астана. – 2005. – С. 8-15.
4 Калинин Ф.Л., Сарнацкая В.В., Полищук В.Е. Методы культуры тканей в физиологии и биохимии растений. – Киев, 1980. – 407 с.
5 Murashige T., Skoog F. A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures // Physiol. Plant., 1962. – Vol. 15. – P. 473-497.
6 Апробация сельскохозяйственных культур Казахстана / Под ред. Н.Л. Удольской, И.В. Соснина и А.И. Пастухова. – Алма-Ата: Кайнар, 1974. – С. 4-12.
7 Лакин Г.Ф. Биометрия. – М.: Высшая школа, 1990. – 352 с.
8 Liang G.H., Skinner D.Z. Genetically modified crops: their development, uses and risks. – Food Products Press, 2004. – 395 p.
1 Larkin P.J., Scowcroft W.R. Somaclonal variation – a novel source of variability from cell culture for plant improvement // Theor. AndAppl. Genet. – 1981. – Vol. 60, №4. – P. 197-214.
2 Sidorov V.A. Biotekhnologiya rasteniy. Kletochnaya selektsiya / Otv. Red. Gleba YU.YU. – Kiyev: Naukova Dumka, 1990. – 280 s.
3 Bishimbayeva N.K., Amirova A.K., Beglov R.B., Karabayev M.K., Rakhimbayev I.R. Razrabotka biotekhnologicheskikh metodov dlya geneticheskogo uluchsheniya pshenitsy // Materialy respub. nauchno-prakticheskogo seminara «Itogi vypolneniya RNTP TS0252 «Nauchno-tekhnicheskoye obespecheniye i organizatsiya proizvodstva biotekhnologicheskoy produktsii v Respublike Kazakhstan» na 2001-2005 gg. – Astana. – 2005. – S. 8-15.
4 Kalinin F.L., Sarnatskaya V.V., Polishchuk V.Ye. Metody kul'tury tkaney v fiziologii i biokhimii rasteniy. – Kiyev, 1980. – 407 s.
5 Murashige T., Skoog F. A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures // Physiol. Plant., 1962. – Vol. 15. – P. 473-497.
6 Aprobatsiya sel'skokhozyaystvennykh kul'tur Kazakhstana / Pod red. N.L. Udol'skoy, I.V. Sosnina i A.I. Pastukhova. – Alma-Ata: Kaynar, 1974. – S. 4-12.
7 Lakin G.F. Biometriya. – M.: Vysshaya shkola, 1990. – 352 s.
8 Liang G.H., Skinner D.Z. Genetically modified crops: their development, uses and risks. – Food Products Press, 2004. – 395 p.
How to Cite
Bishimbayeva, N. K., Kasymkhan, K., Parmenova, A. K., Amirova, A. K., Demesinova, S. D., Baymagambetova, K. K., Chudinov, V. A., Sereda, G. A., Gass, O. S., Bekenova, L. V., Karabayev, M. K., Urozaliev, R. A., & Rakhimbayev, I. R. (2016). Creation and ecological trail of the precocious spring wheat forms, obtained by the use of cell technology. Experimental Biology, 63(1), 38–45. Retrieved from
Experimental biology. Biological bases of genofonds and the development of scientific research in the field of plant