51 genes coding intronic miRNAs,Abstract
Sites of interaction 686 intronic miRNAs with mRNAs of 51 genes coding intronic miRNAs are established. Peculiarities of interaction of observed miRNAs with mRNAs of each gene in 5'UTR, CDS and 3'UTR are revealed. Appreciable heterogeneity of functional sites of mRNAs on number of sites of linkage miRNAs with mRNAs and on density of locating of these sites is established. Intronic miRNAs differenst by selectivity to mRNAs of certains genes are revealed.References
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6 Bloomston M., Frankel W.L., Petrocca F. Profils d’expression du microARN pour différencierl’adénocarcinome pancréatique d’un pancréas normal et d’une pancréatite chronique // JAMA. - 2007. - V. 297. - №
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7 Iorio M.V., Ferracin M., Liu C.G. MicroRNA gene expression deregulation in // Cancer Res. - 2005. - V. 65. -P. 7065-7070.
8 Ryan B.M., Robles A.I., Harris C.C. Genetic variation in microRNA networks: the implications for cancerresearch // Nat. Rev. Cancer. - 2010. - V. 10 (6). - P. 389-402.
9 Emma V. B., et al. microRNA evaluation of unknown primary lesions in the head and neck // MolecularCancer. - 2009. - V. 8. - № 127. - P. 1-7.
How to Cite
Берилло, О. А., Исабекова, А. С., Хайленко, В. А., Атамбаева, Ш. А., & Иващенко, А. Т. (2015). СВОЙСТВА ИНТРОННЫХ miRNA ЧЕЛОВЕКА И ОСОБЕННОСТИ ИХ ВЗАИМОДЕЙСТВИЯ С mRNA. Experimental Biology, 50(4), 37–41. Retrieved from https://bb.kaznu.kz/index.php/biology/article/view/540