Introduction of wild berberis species of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan flora into in vitro culture
Berberis, seeds, in vitro, aseptic collection.Abstract
The article shows the results on the introduction of 4 barberry species into in vitro culture (B. iliensis, B. sphaerocarpa, B. integerrima and B. oblonga). The seeds of 11 forms of B. iliensis and 7 forms of B. sphaerocarpa were collected from wild populations of Almaty region of Kazakhstan; 22 forms of B. integerrima and 2 forms of B. oblonga were collected in Zarafshan National Park of Uzbekistan. The conditions for seed germination in moist perlite and sterilization of apical shoots in 0,1% HgCl2 solution for 7 minutes were selected allowing to obtain 50% of viable shoots. Testing of the plant material in the in vitro culture for the presence of endophytic infection on specialized medium 523 let to get 100% aseptic material. Established aseptic in vitro collection of barberry consisting of 42 accessions will be used for micropropagation and the creation of a cryogenic bank, as well as for setting up elite nurseries and for the international exchange of genetic resources.References
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4. Мухитдинов Н.М., Аметов А.А., Абидкулова К.Т., Ыдырыс А. Некоторые фитоценотические особенности популяций Berberis iliensis M. Pop. // Вестник Иссык-Кульского университета. – 2010. – № 27. – С. 233-237.
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7. Begenov A., Mukhitdinov N., Ametov A., Nazarbekova S., Kuatbayev A., Tynybekov B., Abidkulova K., Ydyrys A. Assessment of the сurrent status of populations of Kazakh rare plants (Berberis iliensis M. Pop.) // World Applied Sciences Journal. – 2014. – Vol. 30 (1). – P. 105-109.
8. Abbasi A.M., Khan M.A., Khan N., Shah M.H. Ethnobotanical survey of medicinally important wild edible fruits species used by tribal communities of Lesser Himalayas-Pakistan // Journal Ethnopharmacology. – 2013, Jul. 9. – Vol. 148 (2). – P. 528-536.
9. Гаммерман А.Ф., Кадаев Г.Н., Яценко-Хмелевский А.А. Лекарственные растения (Растения-целители) // Справ. пособие. – 4-е изд., испр. и доп. — М.: Высш. шк, 1990. – 544 с.
10. Fatehi M., Saleh T.M., Fatehi-Hassanabad Z., Farrokhfal K., Jafarzadeh М., Davodi М. A pharmacological study on Berberis vulgaris fruit extract // Journal of Ethnopharmacology. – 2005. – Vol. 102 (1). – P. 46–52.
11. Mokhber-Dezfuli N., Saeidnia S., Gohari A.R., Kurepaz-Mahmoodabadi M. Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of Berberis Species // Pharmacogn Rev. – 2014. – Vol. 8 (15). – P. 8-15.
12. Arayne M.S., Sultana N., Bahadur S.S. The berberis story: Berberis vulgaris in therapeutics // Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. – 2007. – Vol. 20 (1). – P. 83-92.
13. Engelmann F. Use of biotechnologies for the conservation of plant biodiversity // In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology. – Plant. – 2011. – Vol. 47 (1). – P. 5-16.
14. Keller E. R. J.; Kaczmarczyk A.; Senula A. Cryopreservation for plant genebanks – a matter between high expectations and cautious reservation // CryoLetters, N. 1. – 2008, –P. 53-62.
15. Lynch P.T., Benson E.E., Harding K. Climate change: the role of ex situ and cryo-conservation in the future security of economically important, vegetatively propagated plants // J. Horticultural Science & Biotechnology. – 2007. – Vol. 82, N. 2. – P. 157-160.
16. Murashige T., Skoog F. A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue culture // Physiol. Plant. – 1962. – Vol. 15. – P. 473-479.
17. Viss P.R., Brooks E.M., Driver J.A. A simplified method for the control of bacterial contamination in woody plant tissue culture // In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol. – 1991. – Vol. 27. – C. 42.
18. Лакин Г.Ф. Биометрия // М.: Высшая школа, 4 изд, – 1990. – 213 с.
19. Arena M.E., Pastur G.M., Vater G. In vitro propagation of Berberis buxifolia Lam. // Biocell issn. – 2000, – Vol. 24 (1). – P. 73-80.
20. Азарова О.В., Громова А.И. Перспективы использования микроклонального размножения для кустарниковых пород // Научное издание: «Современная наука: теоретический и практический взгляд». – 2015. – С. 43-46.
How to Cite
Romadanova, N. V., Mishustina, S. A., Karasholakova, L. N., Aralbaeva М. М., Kabulova, F. D., Abidkulova, K. T., & Kushnarenko, S. V. (2016). Introduction of wild berberis species of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan flora into in vitro culture. Experimental Biology, 65(3), 346–354. Retrieved from