Ontophylogenetic justification of congenital malformations.
innate teratosis, phylogenesis, ontogenesis, evidential medicine,Abstract
In the article an analysis is given to the innate teratosis of man on some to the important for life systems of organs with pointing of phylogenesis of these organs in the process of evolution of Homo sapiens, because ontogenetic anomalies from the side of organs repeat the certain stages of historical development without depending on character (nature) of factor defiant this pathology. The types of etiologic factors and possible pathologies are enumerated from the side of the systems of organs depending on the term of development of embryo and time of influence (presence of nosotropic connection). Knowledge of ontophylogenetic conditionality of teratosiss of man has a not insignificant value in understanding of evidential medicine and prophylaxis of innate teratosisReferences
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How to Cite
Nurtaeva, K. S., Аlmuкhаmbеtоvа S. K., Кuаndykоv E. U., & Каshаgаnоvа Z. A. (2015). Ontophylogenetic justification of congenital malformations. Experimental Biology, 60(1), 158–160. Retrieved from https://bb.kaznu.kz/index.php/biology/article/view/80