incubation, aleurone,Abstract
In present work we show that an intact aleurone tissue in presence of gibberellic acid possesses a significant capacity of utilizing exogenous Н2О2 during first 24 hours of incubation. Subsequent increase of incubation time leads to dramatic attenuation of Н2О2 utilization. Conversely, abscisic acid-treated aleurones retain the Н2О2-utilizing capability throughout the whole incubation period. The effect of GA is coincident with maximal decrease in SOD activity. Supposedly, ABA retards a О2• generation in aleurone cells via activation of SOD. The strong correlation between the time of aleurone layer PCD onset, О2• generation and oscillation of SOD activity is observed.References
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7. Bissenbaev A.K., Altybaeva N.A., Kolbaeva G.A. Role of reactive oxygen species and antioxidant enzymes in hormone regulating programmed cell death of wheat aleurone layer // Journal of Cell and Molecular Biology. - 2007. - Vol.6(1). - P. 41-48.
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9. Бисенбаев А.К. Биохимические механизмы програмированной гибели клеток эндосперма зерна пшеницы // Материалы Международной научной конференции. «Актуальные проблемы науки и образования в области химии и биологии». - Алматы. - 2005. - C. 434-438.
10. Ogawa K., Kanematsu S., Asada K. Generation of superoxide anion and localuzation of CuZn-superoxide dismutase in vascular tissue of spinach hypocotyls: their association with lignification // Plant Cell Physiol. - 1997. - Vol. 38. - P. 1118-1126.
11. Wanders R.J.A., Denis S. Identification of superoxide dismutase in rat liver peroxisomes // Bopchim. Biophys. Acta. - 1992. - Vol. 1115. - P. 259-262.
How to Cite
Джолдыбаева, Б. С., Алтыбаева, Н. А., & Бисенбаев, А. К. (2017). ИЗУЧЕНИЕ ДЕЙСТВИЯ ЭКЗОГЕННОЙ Н2О2 НА ЖИЗНЕСПОСОБНОСТЬ КЛЕТОК АЛЕЙРОНОВОГО СЛОЯ ЗЕРНА ПШЕНИЦЫ. Experimental Biology, 56(4), 172–175. Retrieved from https://bb.kaznu.kz/index.php/biology/article/view/391