Use of adsorbents for contact-sorption dehydration of microorganisms when stored subcultures collection strains
Collection, contact – sorbionny metod, sorbents, microorganisms of various taxonomical group, viability, storage, liofilization, kriokontservation, subcultivation, biological activity,Abstract
6 variants of contact-sorption method was developed and tested. The effectiveness of their application, which was estimated considering the maximum rate of viability, has been shown. Sorbents of domestic origin such as Tagansorbent with silver ions and Altaysorbent (Corporation "Sorbent", town of Ust-Kamenogorsk, Republic of Kazakhstan)were used. The most accessible, simple in use and less costly variants of storage of microorganisms using contact-sorption method were selected.References
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5 Бекер М.Е., Рапопорт А.И., Калакуцкий Л.В. Торможение жизнедеятельности клеток // – Рига: Зинатне, 1987. – 240 с.
6 Бузолева Л. С. Некультивируемые формы бактерий Yersinia pseudotuberculosis при периодическом культивировании // Бюллетень экспериментальной биологии и медицины. – 2000. – Т. 129. – № 4. – C. 444–447.
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Arykpayeva, U. T., Almagambetov, K. H., Kaldarbekova, B. B., Dinkayeva, K. A., Makhatova, A. S., Eskarayeva, A. A., & Yergebaeva, R. (2015). Use of adsorbents for contact-sorption dehydration of microorganisms when stored subcultures collection strains. Experimental Biology, 60(2), 244–246. Retrieved from