Preparation and reproduction of plants regenerated potato using strains of the fungus Phytophthora infestans


  • A. A. Kakimzhanova РГП «Национальный центр биотехнологии» КН МОН РК,
  • A. J. Izmaganbetova РГП «Национальный центр биотехнологии» КН МОН РК,
  • A. N. Husanbaeva РГП «Национальный центр биотехнологии» КН МОН РК,
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Ph.infestans, potatoes, hybrid, callus, regenerated plants,


The objects of the studies used hybrids potato Kazakhstan selection. When using one-step selection were planted in 1027 and 672 explant hybrid potato calli on selective medium supplemented with CF fungus Ph.infestans, are plated onto regeneration callus lines 556, 211 from which the obtained regenerated plants (38.0 %). The number of surviving calluses on eight genotypes was 89 callus lines, of which 18 received probirochnyh regenerated plants. When using a single-stage and multi- cell selection for resistance to late blight obtained 229 -vitro regenerated plants that have been bred by micropropagation. Regenerated plants 9-10-04, 21-10-06, 26-10-07, 18-10-02, 6-10-03, 2-10-03, 23-10-02, derived from selective media micropropagation duplicated in the amount of 1166 units, including 625 regenerated plants were planted in soils in greenhouses. Harvesting plants regenerated potato tubers was 2464.


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How to Cite

Kakimzhanova, A. A., Izmaganbetova, A. J., & Husanbaeva, A. N. (2015). Preparation and reproduction of plants regenerated potato using strains of the fungus Phytophthora infestans. Experimental Biology, 60(2), 231–235. Retrieved from