List of Orchidaceae family of the kazakhstan part of the altai mountains
The article provides data of species distribution of the Orchidaceae family on the territory of Kazakhstan Altai. In order to further clarify the distribution and inventory of the modern growth of Orchid species, the main herbarium fund of botanical organizations was studied (dating from 1914 to 1989). To compile the list of species, the materials of the herbarium funds were processed: Altai Botanical Garden – 56 herbarium sheets, the Institute of Botany and Phytointroduction (AA) - 44 herbarium sheets, and the digital herbarium of Moscow State University – “Noah's Ark” (MW) living systems depository – 2 herbarium sheets. As a result of the analysis of herbarium material, the possible locations of 17 orchid species belonging to 10 genera, 4 subtribes, 5 tribes, and 3 subfamilies were established. Additional habitats were identified for 17 species of Orchidaceae, 6 of which are included in the Red Book of Kazakhstan. The highest species saturation occurs in the South-West Altai. The results of the study contribute to the inventory and search for previously forgotten habitats of vulnerable and endangered species of the Orchidaceae family, the preparation of a reconnaissance route for expedition trips, the establishment of areas in the structural geographical units of the Kazakhstan part of the Altai mountain system.
Key words: Orchidaceae, Kazakhstan Altai, herbarium funds, inventory.
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