Microclonal propagation in vitro of commercial varieties of rose
роза (Rosa L.), микроклональное размножение, in vitro, регуляторы ростаAbstract
To propagate the seedling of hybrid and commercial varieties roses of Kazakhstan breeding, adapted to the arid regions of Western Kazakhstan, the microclonal propagation in vitro technology was used. For introduce hybrid roses in in vitro culture, the nodal segments with axillary buds, as well as the internode segments taken from plants actively growing in Mangishlak experimental botanic garden, were isolated in aseptic conditions. Sterilization by treating the explants with a 10% solution of hydrogen peroxide for 8 minutes was the most effective, than its treatment by 70% ethanol (20 sec.) and subsequent 5-minute exposure in 5% sodium hypochlorite. Due to this method of disinfection, the yield of viable explants was maximal - 68.4%. Cloning of roses was carried out on different variants of Murashige-Skug medium modified by phytohormones. The greatest number of microclones was obtained on MS medium containing 3 mg/l BAP and 0.5 mg/l NAA. Ascorbic acid (0.5 mg/l) was added into MC medium as an antioxidant. For rooting was used MC medium with 2 mg/l IAA. The multiplication rate in this case was 4. This optimized protocol is recommended for the introduction of commercial varieties of roses, as well as for gardening of the Caspian region.
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12. Nak-Udom N., Kanchanapoom K., Kanchanapoom K. (2009) Micropropagation from cultured nodal explants of rose (Rosa hybrida L. cv. ‘Perfume Delight’) Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol., vol. 31, pp. 583-586.
13. Nitish Kumar, Reddy M. (2011) In vitro Plant Propagation: a review. Journal of Forest Science, vol. 27, pp. 61-72.
14. Pratar Kumar Pati, Siba Prasad Rath, Madhu Sharma, Anil Sood, Paramvir Singh Ahuja (2006) In vitro propagation of rose - a review. Biotechnology Advances, vol. 24, pp. 94-114.
15. Roy P.K., Mamum A.N.K., Ahmed G. (2004) In vitro plantlets regeneration of rose. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, vol. 14, pp. 149-154.
16. Ruzic D., Lazic T. (2006) Micropropagation as means of rapid multiplication of newly developed blackberry and black currant cultivars. Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus, vol. 71, pp. 149-153.
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18. Saxena G., Banerjee S., Rahman L., Mallavarapu G.R., Sharma S., Kumar S. (2000) An efficient in vitro procedure for micropropagation and generatio of somaclones of rose scented Pelargonium. Plant Science, vol. 29, pp. 133-140.
19. Smith R.H. (2000) Plant Tissue Culture: Techniques and Experiments. Academic Press, pp. 31-46.
20. Stasolla C., Lam M.S.W., Yeung E.C. (2006) Exogenous applications of ascorbic acid enhance shoot apical meristem growth and induce shoot organogenesis in germinating white spruce Picea glauca somatic embryos. International Journal of Plant Sciences, vol. 167, pp. 429–436.