The study of polymorphisms of genes involved in antioxidant reactions in people exposed to radiation


  • E. М. Khussainova «Institute of General Genetics and Cytology» CS MES RK, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • K. B. Djantaeva «Institute of General Genetics and Cytology» CS MES RK, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • A. S. Amirgalieva «Institute of General Genetics and Cytology» CS MES RK, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • F. T. Muratova «Institute of General Genetics and Cytology» CS MES RK, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • L. A. Skvortsova «Institute of General Genetics and Cytology» CS MES RK, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Nurzhibek . «Institute of General Genetics and Cytology» CS MES RK, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • K. S. Utegenova «Institute of General Genetics and Cytology» CS MES RK, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • A. V. Perfilyeva «Institute of General Genetics and Cytology» CS MES RK, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • B. O. Bekmanov «Institute of General Genetics and Cytology» CS MES RK, Almaty, Kazakhstan
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radiation, gene bank, genetic polymorphism, oxidative stress, xenobiotic detoxification enzymes.


In the implementation of radiation consequences on the body an important role belongs to the mechanisms of repair, xenobiotics detoxification and oxidative protection. One of the effects of exposure to ionizing radiation is the formation of free radicals, which can  induce oxidative stress, lead to single and multiple oxidative DNA damage, inhibit enzymes and oxidize membrane lipids, thereby supressing functional activity of cells. Maintaining a balance between the processes of formation and utilization of free radicals is an important aspect of cell life and organism as a whole. The article presents the data on analysis of polymorphisms of genes GSTP1 Ile105Val and eNOS 4a/b in Kazakhstan population, exposed to radiation for a long time as a result of living in areas surrounding former Semipalatinsk nuclear test site. During this study we obtained the frequency distribution for genotypes and alleles at polymorphic loci GSTP1 Ile105Val and eNOS 4a/b in the examined population. According to the results of statistical analysis, high level of radiation sensitivity risk revealed mutant homozygotes a/a of eNOS gene (OR = 6,15; p = 0,04).



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17 Wang Y, Ren B, Zhang L, Guo Z (2015) Correlation between metabolic enzyme GSTP1 polymorphisms and susceptibility to lung cancer. Exp Ther Med, 10(4):1521-1527.
18 Lakkakula S, Maram R, Gurramkonda VB, Pathapati RM, Visweswara SB, Lakkakula B (2013) Gene Frequencies of the Human GSTT1 (Null Allele) and GSTP1 (Ile105Val) Polymorphisms among South Indian Populations. Advances in Cancer: Research & Treatment, 201.:4869-4878.
19 Jemaa R, Kallel A, Sediri Y, Abdessalem S, Mourali MS, Feki M, Mechmeche R, Kaabachi N (2012) Association between endothelial nitric oxide gene intron 4a4b VNTR polymorphism and plasma homocysteine concentrations in Tunisian male patients with myocardial infarction. Nutr Res. 32(5):342-346.
20 Salimi S, Firoozrai M, Nourmohammadi I, Shabani M, Mohebbi A (2006) Endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene intron4 VNTR polymorphism in patients with coronary artery disease in Iran. Indian J Med Res. 124(6):683-688.
21 Uwabo J, Soma M, Nakayama T, Kanmatsuse K (1998) Association of a variable number of tandem repeats in the endothelial constitutive nitric oxide synthase gene with essential hypertension in Japanese. Am J Hypertens. 11(1 Pt 1):125-128.
22 Martinelli NC, Santos KG, Biolo A, La Porta VL, Cohen CR, Silvello D, Andrades ME, Clausell N, Rohde LE (2012) Polymorphisms of endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene in systolic heart failure: an haplotype analysis. Nitric Oxide. 26(3):141-147.
23 Förstermann U, Sessa WC (2012) Nitric oxide synthases: regulation and function. Eur Heart J. 33(7):829-37, 837a-837d.
24 Ayub H, Khan MI, Micheal S, Akhtar F, Ajmal M, Shafique S, Ali SH, den Hollander AI, Ahmed A, Qamar R (2010) Association of eNOS and HSP70 gene polymorphisms with glaucoma in Pakistani cohorts. Mol Vis. 16:18-25.
25 Yeh CC, Santella RM, Hsieh LL, Sung FC, Tang R (2009) An intron 4 VNTR polymorphism of the endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene is associated with early-onset colorectal cancer. Int J Cancer. 124(7):1565-1571.
26 Cole AJ, McGarry CK, Butterworth KT, McMahon SJ, Hounsell AR, Prise KM, O'Sullivan JM (2013) Investigating the influence of respiratory motion on the radiation induced bystander effect in modulated radiotherapy. Phys Med Biol. 58(23):8311-22.


How to Cite

Khussainova E. М., Djantaeva, K. B., Amirgalieva, A. S., Muratova, F. T., Skvortsova, L. A., ., N., Utegenova, K. S., Perfilyeva, A. V., & Bekmanov, B. O. (2016). The study of polymorphisms of genes involved in antioxidant reactions in people exposed to radiation. Experimental Biology, 67(2), 140–148. Retrieved from




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