Study of biophysical indicators of biologically active points in adolescents with renal insufficiency
biological active points, biophysical property, renal dynamics, teenagers, temperature.Abstract
Currently, kidney failure occurs more frequently in adolescents than ever. Renal failure - a pathological condition in which partially or totally lost ability of the kidneys to form and (or) to allocate the urine and as a result, develop serious violations of water and salt, the acid-base and osmotic homeostasis of the organism that cause secondary damage to all systems organism. The biophysical and physiological indicators of bioactive points can be a good source of information on the state of the organism and its physiological indicators. Now consider the acupressure points as a place on the periphery of the body that are associated with the nervous system and internal organs. Currently, there is no doubt the existence of links between a point on the skin and is attached to the nerve trunk, or thin nerve receptors of the skin, blood vessels, connective tissue and periosteum as well as with the relevant portion of the cerebral cortex, subcortical nuclei, the system of neurotransmitters and neurohormones, and through them - endocrine and autonomic nervous system.
Acupuncture or reflexology, which is a stimulation of biologically active points, over the past decade has become a recognized therapeutic method. The indisputable advantages of this method are: a wide range of indications, minimal side effects; non-toxic, minimally invasive. Quantitative indicators of bioelectrical activity associated with exposure to biologically active point can be a help in understanding the neurophysiologic mechanisms, formation of the current criteria for the early diagnosis and evaluation of the clinical efficacy of medical procedures. According to the literature it is known that changes in the biophysical properties of biologically active points of the body reflects the physiological state and is interconnected and dependent on them.
The survey involved students aged 15-16. They were divided into two groups: the first - the state of the body is normal and the second - with kidney disease. We investigated the temperature readings ABC on the skin at the school. Temperature readings were recorded on "Biotemp-2" device. Data were collected on a standard 8 biologically active point of the kidney meridian, meridian of heart C7 Shen-Men, the meridian of the lungs P9 Tai Yuan, meridian prima intestine GI4 Ho-Gu, meridian kidney R1 Yung-Chuan, and R2 Zhang Gu, the bladder meridian V67 Zhi Yin, liver meridian F2 Xing Jian, spleen meridian RP2 Yes Doo, arranged symmetrically on the right and on the left side of all the participants of the experiment. These values were statistically processed and determined by Student's t-test.
Seen little change of temperature indicators of biological active points of the subjects in both normal and with kidney disease. In a state rule all meridians of biological active points showed minor changes in temperature characteristics. School children with renal insufficiency compared with the rest of the meridians in the meridian of the bladder low temperature biological active points. In other meridians change was observed. Thus, on the basis of experimental data, it can be argued that kidney failure indicates adverse effects on the physiological state of other organs.References
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