The species composition of flora on territory of Akmola region Zerendi district
flora, class, family, genus, species, systematic analysis, herbarium.Abstract
Works and results of researches of the scientists who have made the contribution to flora’s studying and vegetation of Kazakhstan are presented in in the article. The physicographic description of the studied area and the point is provided where the researches were conducted.
The article presents the results of a systematic analysis of the flora on the territory of Akmola region Zerendi district.
The flora of the investigated area consists of 136 plant species, belonging to 108 genera and 41 families. A result of research shows that gymnosperms (Pinophyta) are represented by one species or 0.73% of the total species number, dicotyledonae class (Magnolopsida) is represented by 115 species or 84.56%, and monocotyledonae class (Liliopsidae) is represented by 20 species of plant, or 14.71%.
Dominant position according to the number of species in the Magnolopsida class belongs to Asteraceae family (25 species or 21.74%); on the second place Rosaceae (14 species, or 12.17%); on the third place Fabaceae (11 species or 9.56%). Dominant place according to the number of species in the Liliopsidae class belongs to Poaceae family (10 species, or 50%); on second place Juncaceae Juss. (4 species or 20%); on third place Liliaceae Juss. (2 species or 10%).
According to life-form plants of investigated region divides into trees (3 species), shrubs (8 species), subshrubs (7 species), herbaceous plants (118 species). Occurrence of plants occurring to life-forms can showed on this scheme: perennial plants (92 species), annual herbaceous plants (20 species), shrubs (8 species), subshrubs (7 species), biennial herbaceous plants (6 species), trees (3 species).
Such species Pinus sylvestris L. (Pinaceae Lindl. ), Betula pendula Roth (Betulaceae S.F. Gray ), Populus tremula L. (Salicaceae Mirb.) belong to trees.
Such species Caragana arborescens Lam. (Fabaceae Lindl.), Ribes nigrum L. (Grossulariaceae DC.), Cerasus fruticosa Pall., Cotoneaster melanocarpa Lodd. Bot.Cab., Spiraea crenata L., Spiraea hypericifolia L., Rosa acicularis Lindl. (Rosaceae Juss.), Salix rosmarinifolia L. (Salicaceae Mirb.) belong to bushes.
Onosma simplicissima L. (Boraginaceae Juss.), Thymus mongolicus (Ronn.) (Thymus asiaticus), Thumus serpyllum L. (Lamiaceae Lindl.), Artemisia absinthium L., Artemisia frigida Willd., Artemisia dracunculus L. (Asteraceae Dumort.) are semi-bushes.
Conducted research shows that on territory of Akmola region Zerendy district polycarpic plants prevail and they accounted for (80,88 %), monocarpic plants (19,12%).
Work significance: Received results about taxonomical, ecological and biological structure of flora make contribution to problem of regional flora inventory especially in order to ratification of Kazakhstan International Convention on Biodiversity Protection.
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