Comparative investigation on anatomical parameters of the different varieties of winter wheat in the tillering stage grown under drip irrigation method


  • Zh. M. Yeraliyeva Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар педагогикалық университеті, Қазақстан Республикасы, Алматы қ.
  • M. S. Kurmanbayeva Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті, Қазақстан Республикасы, Алматы қ.,
  • A. S. Newsam Миссиссиппи Валлей мемлекеттік университет2, АҚШ, Итта Бена қ.
  • T. P. Kolev Аграрлық университет, Болгария Республикасы, Пловдив қ.
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winter wheat, drip irrigation, anatomy, root, leaf, and morphometric measurements.


In this article investigated specific features of the anatomical structure of the leaves and roots of fall wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), which was grown under drip irrigation method in the Koldy village of Almaty region, Russian varietys SWW 1/97, SWW 1/904 in the tillering phase by light microscopy and on the basis of results of morphometric measurements made quantitative analysis. During the comparison with each other anatomical index of roots at the tillering phase of investigated varieties, anatomical structure of roots of the variety SWW 1/904 morphometric indexes were high, that horizontal slice of the thickness of the roots, the thickness of the first shell, endoderms thickness, the length of the conductive xylem and the width indexes were significantly higher and thicker. Only at the horizontal slice of the roots of the variety SWW 1/97 the thickness of the central circle was significantly thicker than the variety SWW 1/904. When we researched the anatomical indexes by the help of video microscopy, SWW 1/97, SWW 1/904 varieties in the tillering phase, the main feature in the anatomical structure of roots is in the central circle conductive tissue located around the xylem tubes of phloem, some say the location of conductive tissues are circular. There observed that in the central circle of SWW 1/904 variety conductive tissue phloem and xylem tube number were more, large volume. The both variety in the tillering phase in the anatomical structure of leaves higher epidermis thickness was a little bit thicker than the lower epidermis thickness. Researched fall wheat varieties in the tillering phase during the comparison of morphometric indexes of anatomical structure than the variety SWW 1/904 SWW 1/97 variety loose mesophyll thickness, leaf board thickness, the length of main conductive beam in the central nerve, width, anatomical indexes of xylem length were high. Only in anatomical structure of leaf the main conductive beam placed central veins thickness of SWW 1/904 variety was relatively thick. In the anatomical structure the lower and upper sides of the leaf in central veins is prominent, the main vascular bundle in the central veins 2 xylem tubes are clearly visible.



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How to Cite

Yeraliyeva, Z. M., Kurmanbayeva, M. S., Newsam, A. S., & Kolev, T. P. (2016). Comparative investigation on anatomical parameters of the different varieties of winter wheat in the tillering stage grown under drip irrigation method. Experimental Biology, 65(3), 276–282. Retrieved from

