Способы регистрации особенностей экзоцитоза при запуске сигнальной трансдукции.
Кілттік сөздер:
асцитной карциномы, экзоцитоз, сигнальная трансдукция,Аннотация
Недостаточно исследованной стадией экзоцитоза является акт слияния гранулярных и плазматических мембран с последующим выбросом содержимого гранул во внеклеточное пространство. Для исследования указанной проблемы были апробированы ряд методических приемов регистрации экзоцитоза на клетках асцитной карциномы Эрлиха (АКЭ) и перитонеальных макрофагах мышей.Библиографиялық сілтемелер
1 М. Е. Ладыгина, А. Б. Рубин / Биофизические методы в физиологии растений. М. Издательство «Наука» 1971.]
2 Rothschild A. M. (1970). “Mechanisms of histamine release by compound 48/80”. // Br. J. Pharmacol., 38 (1): 253–262
3 Parhurst A. Shore, Alan Burkhalter, Viktor H. Cohn (1959). “A method for the fluorometric assay of histamine in tissues” // J. Pharmacol. Exp. Therapeutica, 127:182-186
4 Kawasaki Yukishige, Saitoh Takako, Okabe Toshiya, Kumakura Kounosuke and Ohara-Imaizumi Mica (1991). “Visualization of exocytotic secretory processes of mast cells by fluorescence techniques”.// Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Biomembranes. V. 1067, (5): 71-80
5 Anderson, R.G.W., Orci, L. (1988). “A view of acidic intracellular compartments”. //Journal of Cell Biology, 106: 539-543
6 Holz, R. W. (1986). “The role of osmotic forces in exocytosis from adrenal chrornaffin cells” // Annu. Rev. Physiol. 48: 175-189 .
7 Zoccarto, F., Cavallini L. and Alexandre A. (1999). « The pH-sensitive dye acridine orange as a tool to monitor exocytosis/endocytosis in synaptosomes ». // J. Neurochem. 72: 625–633.
8 Waseem T.V., Rakovich A. A., Lavrukevich T.V., Konev S.V. and Fedorovich S.V. (2005) « Calcium regulates the mode of exocytosis induced by hypotonic shock in isolated neuronal presynaptic endings.// Neurochemistry International, 46, (3): 235-242
9 Васим Т.В., Федорович С.В., Конев С.В. (2003). “Effect of osmolar concentration of culture media on exocytosis in isolated presynaptic nerve endings of rat brain”// Биофизика, 48, 5: 880-883.
10 Haugland R. P. (2002). // Handbook of Fluorescent Probes and Research Products P. 269-278, 489-491.
11 Chahdi A., Fraundorfer P. F. and Beaven M.A. (2000). «Compound 48/80 Activates Mast Cell Phospholipase D via Heterotrimeric GTP-Binding Proteins» // J. of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutica, 292 (1): 122-130
12 Abramov A.Y., Duchen M. R. (2003) “Actions of ionomycin, 4-BrA23187 and a novel electrogenic Ca2+ ionophore on
mitochondria in intact cells.” // Cell Calcium. 33 (2): 101-12
13 Heemskerk J.W.M, Feijge M. A.H, Andree H.A.M, Sage S.O. (1993). « Function of intracellular [Ca2+]i in exocytosis and transbilayer movement in human platelets surface-labeled with the fluorescent probe 1-(4-(trimethylammonio)phenyl)-6-phenyl- 1,3,5-hexatriene» // Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes, 1147, 2, (22): 194-204.
14 Kok J.W., Hoekstra D. (1999) « Fluorescent Lipid Analogues: Applications in Cell and Membrane Biology» // Fluorescent
and Luminescent Probes for Biological Activity (Second Edition), P. 136-155 .
15 Martial Kubina, François Lanzab, Jean-Pierre Cazenaveb, Gilbert Laustriata and Jean-Georges Kuhrya (1987). «Parallel investigation of exocytosis kinetics and membrane fluidity changes in human platelets with the fluorescent probe, rimethylammoniodiphenylhexatriene
» // Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 90, (10) : 138-146.
16 Morgan A. Burgoyne RD. (1998) “Analysis of regulated exocytosis in adrenal chromaffincells: insights into NSF/SNAP/SNARE function”. //Bioessays. 20: 328-335.
2 Rothschild A. M. (1970). “Mechanisms of histamine release by compound 48/80”. // Br. J. Pharmacol., 38 (1): 253–262
3 Parhurst A. Shore, Alan Burkhalter, Viktor H. Cohn (1959). “A method for the fluorometric assay of histamine in tissues” // J. Pharmacol. Exp. Therapeutica, 127:182-186
4 Kawasaki Yukishige, Saitoh Takako, Okabe Toshiya, Kumakura Kounosuke and Ohara-Imaizumi Mica (1991). “Visualization of exocytotic secretory processes of mast cells by fluorescence techniques”.// Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Biomembranes. V. 1067, (5): 71-80
5 Anderson, R.G.W., Orci, L. (1988). “A view of acidic intracellular compartments”. //Journal of Cell Biology, 106: 539-543
6 Holz, R. W. (1986). “The role of osmotic forces in exocytosis from adrenal chrornaffin cells” // Annu. Rev. Physiol. 48: 175-189 .
7 Zoccarto, F., Cavallini L. and Alexandre A. (1999). « The pH-sensitive dye acridine orange as a tool to monitor exocytosis/endocytosis in synaptosomes ». // J. Neurochem. 72: 625–633.
8 Waseem T.V., Rakovich A. A., Lavrukevich T.V., Konev S.V. and Fedorovich S.V. (2005) « Calcium regulates the mode of exocytosis induced by hypotonic shock in isolated neuronal presynaptic endings.// Neurochemistry International, 46, (3): 235-242
9 Васим Т.В., Федорович С.В., Конев С.В. (2003). “Effect of osmolar concentration of culture media on exocytosis in isolated presynaptic nerve endings of rat brain”// Биофизика, 48, 5: 880-883.
10 Haugland R. P. (2002). // Handbook of Fluorescent Probes and Research Products P. 269-278, 489-491.
11 Chahdi A., Fraundorfer P. F. and Beaven M.A. (2000). «Compound 48/80 Activates Mast Cell Phospholipase D via Heterotrimeric GTP-Binding Proteins» // J. of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutica, 292 (1): 122-130
12 Abramov A.Y., Duchen M. R. (2003) “Actions of ionomycin, 4-BrA23187 and a novel electrogenic Ca2+ ionophore on
mitochondria in intact cells.” // Cell Calcium. 33 (2): 101-12
13 Heemskerk J.W.M, Feijge M. A.H, Andree H.A.M, Sage S.O. (1993). « Function of intracellular [Ca2+]i in exocytosis and transbilayer movement in human platelets surface-labeled with the fluorescent probe 1-(4-(trimethylammonio)phenyl)-6-phenyl- 1,3,5-hexatriene» // Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes, 1147, 2, (22): 194-204.
14 Kok J.W., Hoekstra D. (1999) « Fluorescent Lipid Analogues: Applications in Cell and Membrane Biology» // Fluorescent
and Luminescent Probes for Biological Activity (Second Edition), P. 136-155 .
15 Martial Kubina, François Lanzab, Jean-Pierre Cazenaveb, Gilbert Laustriata and Jean-Georges Kuhrya (1987). «Parallel investigation of exocytosis kinetics and membrane fluidity changes in human platelets with the fluorescent probe, rimethylammoniodiphenylhexatriene
» // Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 90, (10) : 138-146.
16 Morgan A. Burgoyne RD. (1998) “Analysis of regulated exocytosis in adrenal chromaffincells: insights into NSF/SNAP/SNARE function”. //Bioessays. 20: 328-335.
Как цитировать
Sabyrbek, J. B., Kim, J. A., & Tuleuhanov, S. T. (2015). Способы регистрации особенностей экзоцитоза при запуске сигнальной трансдукции. ҚазҰУ Хабаршысы. Биология сериясы, 59(3/2), 109–113. вилучено із https://bb.kaznu.kz/index.php/biology/article/view/890