A cytogenetic study of the antimutagenic potential of herbal infusions from Matricaria chamomilla L. and Achillea millefolium L. (Fam. Asteraceae)
Due to increase of hazardous factors in the environment, it becomes relevant to search for effective protectors of natural origin for the correction of toxic and genetic effects induced by xenobiotics. Using the test for count chromosomal abnormalities in cells of root germinal meristem of barley seeds, the mutagenic and antimutagenic activity of infusions from chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) and yarrow (Achillea millefolium) were studied. The studied infusions with various preparation methods (concentrated, diluted and phyto tea) did not show mutagenic activity. The frequency of structural mutations was at the level of negative control (distilled water). The ability of yarrow and chamomile infusions to reduce MMS-induced mutagenesis has been established. For direct and reverse treatment of seeds with diluted infusions or herbal tea of medicinal plants and mutagen methyl methanesulfonate (MMS, positive control) a statistically significant decrease of MMS-induced was observed (p<0.05). Moreover, the level of inhibition of the mutation process depended on the sequence of exposure to infusions and mutagen, as well as the type of infusion. The effectiveness of the antimutagenic effect of the studied infusions was evaluated by the reduction factor. The reduction factor in the infusion of diluted chamomile and chamomile tea was 67.0% and 62.0%, respectively, which indicates the ability to inhibit MMS-induced mutagenesis by more than 60% from Matricaria chamomilla infusions. The results indicate a strong antimutagenic effect of diluted infusions of chamomile. The magnitude of the reduction factor in yarrow infusions indicates the ability of infusions from Achillea millefolium to inhibit MMS-induced mutagenesis by 40-50% with preliminary exposure to barley to MMS. The reduction factor subsequent to the effect of infusions after MMS was 45-50%. The results obtained indicate the presence of antimutagenic activity in infusions of chamomile and yarrow, due to the presence of biologically active substances of various nature in plants of these species.
Key words: biologically active substances, medicinal plants, mutagenesis, antimutagenic activity, chromosomal aberrations.
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