Chronobiologica diagnostics of variability hemodynamic parameters


  • L. Zh. Gumarova Казахский национальный университет имении аль-Фараби
  • Zh. Kornelissen Хронобиологический центр Халберга, университет
  • A. A. Madieva Казахский национальный университет имении аль-Фараби
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arterial pressure, hemodynamics, monitoring,


This paper describes the chronobiological assessment of the automatic around-the clock measurements of blood pressure and heart rate (ABPM) by sphygmochron program, consisting of parametric and non-parametric assessments. Chronobiologically ABPM analysis finds some anomalies that can not be determined with a single, casual measurement of BP and HR. The paper shows the errors that could be done by the one-day analysis of ABPM and the benefit of its weekly monitoring.


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How to Cite

Gumarova, L. Z., Kornelissen, Z., & Madieva, A. A. (2015). Chronobiologica diagnostics of variability hemodynamic parameters. Experimental Biology, 60(1), 213–219. Retrieved from



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