Investigation the Influence of Carbonized Material Based On Rice Husk on Viability and Migration of Fibroblasts in T3B3 Cell Culture
sorbent, influence, fibroblasts, migration, proliferation, cell viability.Abstract
Cytotoxic effect of carbonized rice husk (CRH) on fibroblasts of mice derma in T3B3 cell culture and processes of migration and proliferation of these cells in the presence of CRH were investigated. Received results showed that the application of CRH in sorption therapy for treatment of acute and chronic purulo-necrotic processes is innoxious and perspective.References
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5 Mansurov Z., Digel I., Biisenbaev M., Savitskaya I., Kistaubaeva A., Akimbekov N., Zhubanova A. Chapter 11:
Heterogeneous Composites on the Basis of Microbial Cells and Nanostructured Carbonized Sorbents, Composite
Materials / Book 2 Ed. Prof. Ning Hu: InTech Publ., 2012. ISBN 980-953-307-495-0. – Р.271-295.
How to Cite
Akimbekov, N. S., Digel, I., & Zhubanova, A. A. (2015). Investigation the Influence of Carbonized Material Based On Rice Husk on Viability and Migration of Fibroblasts in T3B3 Cell Culture. Experimental Biology, 59(3/1), 20–23. Retrieved from
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