Evaluation of different genotyping schemes M.tuberculosis isolates from Kazakhstan by 24 MIRU-VNTR loci based on number of tandem repeats analysis


  • U. Kozhamkulov Центр Наук о жизни,Назарбаев Университет, Национальный Центр Биотехнологии
  • А. Аkhmetova Центр Наук о жизни,Назарбаев Университет, Национальный Центр Биотехнологии
  • V. Bismilda Национальный Центр Проблем Туберкулеза,
  • L. Chingissova Национальный Центр Проблем Туберкулеза,
  • Е. Zholdybayeva Национальный Центр Биотехнологии
  • А. Akilzhanova Центр Наук о жизни,Назарбаев Университет,
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Tuberculosis, genotyping, MIRU-VNTR analysis, genotyping schemes, mycobacterium tuberculosis,


Molecular genetic MIRU-VNTR typing is simple and fast method seems to be interesting and promising for the study of the genetic diversity of M.tuberculosis, also using as instrument of studying modern clinical TB microbiology and epidemiology. The results of genotyping of 81 clinical isolates of M. tuberculosis collected from 7 different regions of Kazakhstan by 12, 15 and 24 loci based on MIRU-VNTR analysis are represented in this article. Polymorphic and informative loci were determined, different genotyping schemes were evaluated that allowed to choose optimal scheme of genotyping based on MIRU-VNTR analysis Most discriminatory power of the genotyping scheme has the full set of 24 M.tuberculosis loci (HGDI = 0,88), the smallest discriminatory power of the combination scheme has 12MIRU loci (HGDI = 0,73), roughly the same discriminatory power showed schemes of 15 loci (HGDI = 0.84 and 0.81).


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How to Cite

Kozhamkulov, U., Аkhmetova А., Bismilda, V., Chingissova, L., Zholdybayeva Е., & Akilzhanova А. (2015). Evaluation of different genotyping schemes M.tuberculosis isolates from Kazakhstan by 24 MIRU-VNTR loci based on number of tandem repeats analysis. Experimental Biology, 62(3), 55–60. Retrieved from https://bb.kaznu.kz/index.php/biology/article/view/367