To the studying on the interspecific interactions of lung nematode Rhabdias bufonis from the moor frog (Rana arvalis)


  • N. E. Tarassovskaya Павлодарский государственный педагогический институт, Казахстан, г. Павлодар
        71 44


moor frog, lung nematode, lung trematode, morphological measurement analysis, body length, body width, oesophagus length, tail’s length, distance to vulva, space and feed competition, interspecific antagonism, interspecific synergism,


The studying on the interspecific interactions of lung nematode Rhabdias bufonis with three other helminthes of moor frog – Opisthioglyphe ranae, Haplometra cylindracea and Oswaldocruzia filiformis during 3 years was revealed. In the mono-infection nematodes often had small or even minimal sizes, excepting 2010 year, when R.bufonis had maximal length and width. The simultaneous presence 3-4 worms’ species leads to the maximal sizes of R.bufonis. The presence of direct space and feed competitor of R.bufonis – lung trematode Haplometra cylindracea – not always negatively influences to the nematodes’ sizes, actually in the binary composition. In the composition with other helminthes the influence of H.cylindracea to the sizes of R.bufonis may be different – dependently on the intermediate influences of these parasites species. In the binary compositions the negative influence of intestinal nematode O.filiformis and positive – from intestinal trematode O.ranae often observed, what may be connected with the antagonism between worms of the same classis and synergism between the parasites from different taxa. The dynamics of absolute sizes of R.bufonis in some years of exploration probably dependents on the frogs’ size (and, consequently, space of dwelling and feed sources of the host’s organism), and also on the exchanging of morphological and physiological properties of helminthes.


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How to Cite

Tarassovskaya, N. E. (2015). To the studying on the interspecific interactions of lung nematode Rhabdias bufonis from the moor frog (Rana arvalis). Experimental Biology, 55(3), 90–98. Retrieved from