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yield, AMMI, bread wheat, productivity, stability, multi-environment trials, genotype-environment interaction, superior genotypes.


Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is a significant crop for human nutrition and global food security. Ensuring stable wheat yields is crucial, as fluctuations in production can have major effects on food availability and prices globally. We evaluated 82 bread wheat genotypes in two growing seasons using multi-environment trial analysis in Kazakhstan to identify superior genotypes using AMMI-based stability statistics. The analysis of variances (ANOVA) of AMMI showed that environmental effects largely explained yield variability (87.6 %), whereas the contribution of genotype (2.79 %) and genotype-environment interaction (8.19 %) had minimal influence. An estimated set of stability parameters showed positive correlations between each other, and these measurements can be utilized to choose stable genotypes. The mean yield of bread wheat genotypes ranged from 24.5 to 17.9 centners per ha. Genotypes 342/08 (G62), Line Р-1413m (G8), Lyutescens 54 190/09 (G54), 233/10 (G58), Bajterek 15 (G25), and Lyutescens 57 4/09 (G52) were shown to be the most stable and productive based on AMMI-based stability scores for grain yield. Breeders and farmers could use these samples as stable and high-performing genotypes in a wide range of environments in Kazakhstan.

Author Biographies

S. Anuarbek, Institute of Plant Biology and Biotechnology, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Anuarbek Shynar Nurlankyzy – PhD, Senior Researcher, Institute of Plant Biology and Biotechnology (Almaty, Kazakhstan, e-mail: shinar_anuar92@mail.ru).

V. Chudinov, Karabalyk Agricultural Station, Kostanai Region, Kazakhstan

Chudinov Vladimir Anatol’evich – Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, breeder, Karabalyk Agricultural Station (Kostanai Region, Kazakhstan, e-mail: ch.den@mail.ru).

G. Sereda, Karaganda Agricultural Station, Kazakhstan, Karaganda region, Kazakhstan

Sereda Grigorij Antonovich – Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Head of the Department of Breeding and Primary Seed Production, Karaganda Agricultural Experimental Station (Karaganda, Kazakhstan, e-mail: sereda.44@bk.ru).

A. Babkenov, Barayev Research and Production Centre for Grain Farming, Akmola region, Kazakhstan

Babkenov Adylkhan Temirkhanovich – Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Head of Wheat Breeding Department, Barayev Research and Production Centre for Grain Farming (Akmola region, Kazakhstan; e-mail: babkenov64@mail.ru).

T. Savin, Barayev Research and Production Centre for Grain Farming, Akmola region, Kazakhstan

Savin Timur Vladimirovich – Candidate of Biological Sciences, Chairman of the Board of the Barayev Research and Production Centre for Grain Farming (Akmola region, Kazakhstan, e-mail: savintimur_83@mail.ru).

E. Fedorenko, North Kazakhstan Agricultural Station, North Kazakhstan region, Kazakhstan

Fedorenko Elena Nikolaevna – Head of the breeding and varietal agricultural technology laboratory, North Kazakhstan Agricultural Station (North Kazakhstan region, Kazakhstan; e-mail: efedorenko2015@mail.ru).

V. Tsygankov, Aktobe Agricultural Station, Aktobe, Kazakhstan

Tsygankov Vladimir Igorevich – Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Head of the Department of Breeding and Primary Seed Production, Aktobe Agricultural Station (Aktobe, Kazakhstan, e-mail: zigan60@mail.ru).

A. Tsygankov, Aktobe Agricultural Station, Aktobe, Kazakhstan

Tsygankov Artyom Vladimirovich – agronomist of the Department of Breeding and Primary Seed Production, Aktobe Agricultural Station (Aktobe, Kazakhstan, e-mail: mirestnone@mail.ru).

A. Amalova, Institute of Plant Biology and Biotechnology, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Amalova Akerke Yklaskizy – PhD, Researcher, Institute of Plant Biology and Biotechnology (Almaty, Kazakhstan, e-mail: akerke.amalova@gmail.com).

Y, Turuspekov, Institute of Plant Biology and Biotechnology, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Turuspekov Yerlan Kenesbekovich (corresponding author) – Candidate of Biological Sciences, Professor, Head of the molecular genetics laboratory, Institute of Plant Biology and Biotechnology (Almaty, Kazakhstan; e-mail: yerlant@yahoo.com).


How to Cite

Anuarbek, S., Chudinov, V., Sereda, G., Babkenov, A., Savin, . T., Fedorenko, E., Tsygankov, V., Tsygankov, A., Amalova, A., & Turuspekov, Y. (2024). YIELD STABILITY ANALYSIS OF BREAD WHEAT GENOTYPES IN KAZAKHSTAN . Experimental Biology, 100(3), 56–68. https://doi.org/10.26577/bb.2024.v100.i3.05