
  • A.R. Aldibekova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
  • М.С. Kurmanbayeva Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
  • G.N. Nysanbayeva State National Natural Park «Sharyn» MENR RK, Kazakhstan, Almaty region

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The study of endangered relict woody plants is one of the key components of the biodiversity conservation strategy. In this regard, the aim of the study is to assess the current state of populations of relict ash tree (Fraxinus sogdiana Bunge) growing in the river valleys of the State National Nature Park «Sharyn» in Almaty region. The paper presents the results of an expedition to this region in 2023. A 20x20 square meter transect was studied in each population. The first population was sampled from the southern bank of the Sharyn River, from the first floodplain terrace. Coordinates N 43.543551˚ E 079.286874˚, elevation 722 m above sea level. And the second population was taken from the southern bank of the Temirlik River, from the first floodplain terrace. GPS coordinates: N 43.359546˚ E 079.164989˚, altitude 951 m above sea level...


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How to Cite

Aldibekova А. ., Kurmanbayeva М. ., & Nysanbayeva Г. . (2024). FLORISTIC COMPOSITION OF COMMUNITIES WITH PARTICIPATION OF WOODY PLANTS OF SOGDIAN ASH (FRAXINUS SOGDIANA BUNGE). Experimental Biology, 98(1), 34–46.