Frequencies of genes of colour and fur length on the cats of Pavlodar city


  • N. E. Tarassovskaya Павлодарский государственный педагогический институт
        99 47


aboriginal cats, frequencies of genes, genotype, phenotype, home cats, stray cats, agouti, Siam albino, white fur areas, red colour, tortoise cat females, adaptive peculiarities


The information on the frequencies of colour and fur length genes on aboriginal cats in Pavlodar city was obtained.The frequencies of gene of long fur in 2010 and 2011 years correspondently was 0,49 и 0,41; non-agouti – 0,76 in both years; dense pigmentation – 0,47 и 0,39; Siam albino – 0,27 и 0,31; Melanin inhibitor – 0,08 и 0,005; Wide band 0,09 и 0,15; local white area (Piebald spotting) – 0,26 и 0,24; large white area (White dominant) – 0,08 in both years.Frequencies of these genes fluctuated within the same limits as in the last years.In the small group of cats from Prirechenskoje village the frequencies of main genes was almost as among the town cats. In this country were not the animals with gene of Siam albino and rear gene Melanin inhibitor, but the part of cats with local white areas (gene S) was so high, and the part of red tomcats and tortoise females was higher than in the town population. These facts may be connected with the isolation and small quantity of village cats’ population and the regulation of it’s quantity by the people.During all the 15 year of exploration among aboriginal home and street cats such colours as Burma albino (cb cb),albino with rosy eyes (сс), brown or cinnamon (bb or b1 bI), lilac (bbdd), Pink eyes – white cats with orange eyes – quite didn’t remark.


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How to Cite

Tarassovskaya, N. E. (2015). Frequencies of genes of colour and fur length on the cats of Pavlodar city. Experimental Biology, 57(1), 143–152. Retrieved from

