
  • K.Zh. Dossybayev Kazakh research institute of livestock and fodder production, Кazakhstan, Almaty
  • D.A. Sydykov Kazakh research institute of livestock and fodder production, Кazakhstan, Almaty
  • T. Kapas «Institute of Genetics and Physiology» SC MSHE RK, Кazakhstan, Almaty
  • Z.S. Orazymbetova Kazakh research institute of livestock and fodder production, Кazakhstan, Almaty
  • Zh.E. Kozhanov Kazakh research institute of livestock and fodder production, Кazakhstan, Almaty
  • Sh.N. Akhmetsadykova Kazakh research institute of livestock and fodder production, Кazakhstan, Almaty
  • G.T. Baktybaev Kazakh research institute of livestock and fodder production, Кazakhstan, Almaty
  • U.A. Akhmetov Kazakh research institute of livestock and fodder production, Кazakhstan, Almaty
  • А.Н. Baysaparov Kazakh research institute of livestock and fodder production, Кazakhstan, Almaty
  • D.M. Nurmakhanbetov Kazakh research institute of livestock and fodder production, Кazakhstan, Almaty
  • Zh.S. Turmukhametov Kazakh research institute of livestock and fodder production, Кazakhstan, Almaty

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A comparative analysis of the genetic diversity and variability of horse populations bred in Kyzylorda and Karaganda regions was made on the basis of 25 microsatellite markers. All loci used in the study were polymorphic. The genetic polymorphism of the studied populations was compared with horse populations bred in neighboring countries. The results of the comparative analysis showed that the individuals in the study sample had a high level of genetic diversity.


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How to Cite

Dossybayev К., Sydykov Д., Kapas , T., Orazymbetova З., Kozhanov Ж., Akhmetsadykova Ш., Baktybaev Г., Akhmetov У., Baysaparov , A., Nurmakhanbetov Д., & Turmukhametov Ж. (2023). ASSESSMENT OF GENETIC POLYMORPHISM OF HORSE POPULATIONS BRED IN KYZYLORDA AND KARAGANDA REGIONS. Experimental Biology, 94(1), 80–89.




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