Central Asia, Western Altai, Rhodiola quadrifida, rare species, state of populationsAbstract
This study presents the results of investigating the biological characteristics and ecological-phytocenotic confinement of a rare plant species - Rhodiola quadrifida in East Kazakhstan. The research was carried out on three high mountain ranges: Ivanovsky, Lineisky and Koksinsky of Kazakhstan Altai. The study of cenopopulations of the species was done by using standard geobotanical methods. According to the results, it was found that the vegetation cover in the growing places of Rh. quadrifida is poorly formed or practically absent. The habitats of the species are confined to the alpine and mountain-tundra belt of mountains, in the altitude limit of 1800–2400 m above sea level. Rh. quadrifida grows mainly on outliers, rocks, along fine and coarse talus, moss-lichen, dryad and stony-sedge tundra. High vegetative reproduction is noted in areas of thick moss cover.
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