
  • S.A. Kubentaev RSE on the REM "Astana Botanical Garden" Committee of Forestry and Animal World of the Ministry of Ecology, Geography and Nature Conservation, Kazakhstan, Astana
  • K.S. Izbastina RSE on the REM "Astana Botanical Garden" Committee of Forestry and Animal World of the Ministry of Ecology, Geography and Nature Conservation, Kazakhstan, Astana
  • D.Т. Alibekov RSE on the REM "Astana Botanical Garden" Committee of Forestry and Animal World of the Ministry of Ecology, Geography and Nature Conservation, Kazakhstan, Astana
  • M.Zh. Zhumagul S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University, Kazakhstan, Astana
  • J.Т. Idrisova RSE on the REM "Astana Botanical Garden" Committee of Forestry and Animal World of the Ministry of Ecology, Geography and Nature Conservation, Kazakhstan, Astana
  • O.V. Borodulina A.Baitursynov Kostanay Regional University, Kazakhstan, Kostanay

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Национальный парк, Бурабай, редкие виды, эколого-фитоценотическая характеристика, растительность, ценопопуляция, Казахстан.


This paper presents the ecological and phytocenotic characteristics and state of the rare plant cenopopulation (CP) of the State National Nature Park "Burabay".  The purpose of the scientific research is to study the current state of the cenopopulation of rare and endangered plants of the national park. Researches of the rare species' cenopopulation of the national park were carried out by route reconnaissance method according to the generally accepted geobotanical methods. Locations and ecological and phytocoenotic indicators of 8 rare plant species were identified in the flora of the studied area.  The populations of Cypripedium calceolus, Drosera rotundifolia and Tulipa patens cause the highest concern of possible extinction in the territory of SNPP "Burabay". The data obtained can be used in monitoring the state of the population of rare plant species in SNPP "Burabay" and for the development of the regional Red Data Book of Akmola region. 


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How to Cite

Kubentaev С. ., Izbastina К. ., Alibekov Д., Zhumagul М. ., Idrisova Ж. ., & Borodulina О. . . (2022). ECOLOGICAL AND PHYTOCENOTIC STRUCTURE OF RARE PLANT POPULATIONS IN THE BURABAY NATIONAL PARK. Experimental Biology, 93(4), 14–23.

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