Highmolecular glutenin subunits on the M4 mutant lines of spring wheat - donors of productivity and high protein content grain
M4 the productive mutant forms of wheat donor, glutenins, high protein grain content,Abstract
Сomposition of the storage proteins of glutenin on productive and high-protein content in grain on samples of M4 mutant lines of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) from the created mutant collection on the genetic basis of grades and Jenis by exposure to different doses of gamma radiation is determinedReferences
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5 Есимбекова М.А., Алимгазинова Б.Ш. Генетические ресурсы растений Казахстана: состояние и перспективы // Вавил. ж. генетики и селекции. – 2012. –Т. 16. -№3. - С. 648-654.
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7 Maluszynski I., Szarejko C.R., Bhatia K., Nichterlein P., Lagoda J.L. Methodologies for Generating Variability: Chapter 8. - Mutation Techniques. In book Plant Breeding and Farmer Participation. Part 4: Eds. Ceccarelli S., Guimarães E.P., Weltzien E.M. - 2009. – Р. 159-194.
8 Galili G., Feldman M. Genetic control of endosperm proteins in wheat. 2. Variation in high molecular weight glutenin and gliadin subunits of Triticum aestivum //Theor. And Appl. Genet.-1983. – V.66. -P. 77-86.
9 Laemmli U.K. Clevage of structural proteinsduring assembly of the head of bacteriophage. T.4. // Nature. 1970. –V.277. №4. –P. 178-189.
10 Попереля Ф.А., Асыка Ю.А. Определение гибридности семян кукурузы по электрофоретическим спектрам зеина // Доклады ВАСХНИЛ. - 1989. - №3. – C. 2-4.
11 Kenzhebayeva S., Alybayeva R., Atabayeva S., Doktirbai G., Kaldybekkyzy G., Asrandina S. Improvement of spring wheat protein quality and quantity by mutation breeding //Сurrent Opinion in Biotechnology. – 2013. – V. 24. – P. 85.
How to Cite
Kenzhebayeva, S. S., Doktyrbay, G., Atabaeva, S. D., Alybaeva, R. A., Dagarova, S. S., Eltaevna, M. E., & Khasen, G. N. (2015). Highmolecular glutenin subunits on the M4 mutant lines of spring wheat - donors of productivity and high protein content grain. Experimental Biology, 60(2), 247–250. Retrieved from https://bb.kaznu.kz/index.php/biology/article/view/170