Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in woody leaves of the Beskaragai forest area of the East Kazakhstan region
The article provides information on the content of mobile heavy metals in the pine leaves of the Beskaragai forest and their bioaccumulation. In addition, the bioticity coefficient of elements (CBE), accumulation coefficient (KN) are calculated, and to estimate the degree of pollution of forest ecosystems, calculations are made of the total pollution of coniferous leaves and correlation Pearson coefficients describing the linear relationship between the content of heavy metals in the leaves and the soil. Cobalt and lead were detected in soil samples of the studied areas, the CBE value of which is below 0.03. In the rest of the elements, the CBE is higher, which indicates the significant role of the mettal in the biochemical circulation of substances in the forest ecosystem of Beskaragai ribbon boron. It was revealed that the volume of heavy metals in woody leaves is closely related to the active types of soil metals. It is shown that the level of contamination by heavy metals of woody leaves in conditions of Beskaragai ribbon boron is low. The results of the study can be used in monitoring bioindicative studies of the state of the environment related to the assessment of migration flows of heavy metals in ecosystems.
Key words: tape forest, pine needles, heavy metals, bioaccumulation, coefficients, biotic, accumulation, concentration, Pearson, total pollution indicators
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