Microbiological analysis of phosphorus-containing waste in the southern region


  • A. U. Issayeva M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan
  • R. Pankiewicz Аdam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland, Poznań
  • A. A. Otarbekova M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan


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The article presents the physical, chemical and microbiological quantitative and qualitative characteristics of phosphorus-containing man-made waste (slags and sludges) of the former Shymkent phosphorus plant in the South of Kazakhstan. The study found that slurries and slags of phosphorus-containing waste have a pH of 6-7,5  and such components as SiO2-quartz, CaCO3 –calcite, and Fe2O3 –hematite predominate in the composition of surface eroded waste. The following groups of microorganisms were identified in the composition of phosphorus waste: micromycetes in quantity (5,4±0,5)×10CFU/g, heterotrophs-in the amount of–(3,8 ±0,3) ×104 CFU/g, phase 1 nitrifiers -108 CFU / g, nitrogen-fixing bacteria-in quantity 90 %  fouling of lumps, actinomycetes-in quantity 105 CFU/g, enterobacteria-in quantity 107 CFU/g. Anaerobes in slag samples -3, 8x104 CFU / ml, and in sludge samples -0, 50x102 CFU / ml, that is, the number of anaerobic microorganisms is less than aerobes.Thionic and sulfur-oxidizing bacteria were not detected in the phosphorus-containing waste. As a result of screening work, 73 isolates of microorganisms that are promising for biogeotechnological purposes were isolated.

Keyword: microorganisms, bio-leaching, phosphorus-containing waste, slag, sludge.


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How to Cite

Issayeva, A. U., Pankiewicz, R., & Otarbekova, A. A. (2020). Microbiological analysis of phosphorus-containing waste in the southern region. Experimental Biology, 84(3), 38–51. https://doi.org/10.26577/eb.2020.v84.i3.04

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