Isolation and identification of new cultures of toxin-forming cyanobacteria from the Shar Nuur Lake
cyanobacteria, bacteriologically pure culture, morphology, toxins, identification, Desertifilum sp.1 strain.Abstract
Studied the species composition of algal flora of Shar Nuur Lake, located in the mountainous regions of Bayan Ulgiisk region of Mongolia. From selected water samples and algal-bacterial mats received 3 bacteriologically pure cultures of cyanobacteria from family Oscillatoriaceae and Nostocaceae. Determined the toxicity of cyanobacteria’ selected strains according to the system of N.S. Stroganov. It was found that from cyanobacteria’ isolated strains the culture SP-O1 is defined as highly-toxic to the test-object - Daphnia. Evaluation of biological activity of toxic cyanobacteria cultures studied in relation to the test-object cell lines HeLa cancer cells showed different cytotoxic effect. In studied extracts of Desertifilum SP-O1 biomass strain the dangerous toxins were not detected. Mostly identified toxins are microcystins. Despite on the fact that according to botanical characteristics the obtained cyanobacteria SP-O1 from Shar Nuur Lake is related to the Oscillatoria genus, molecular-genetic analysis revealed its high homology to the Desertifilum genus belonging to Oscillatoriaceae family. Based on these data, SP-O1 culture was identified and designated as Desertifilum sp.1.
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13. Dittman E., Fewer D.P. (2013) Neilan B.A. Cyanobacterial toxins: biosynthetic routes and evolutionary routes, FEMS Microbiol. Rev.37: 23–43.
14. Bell S.G., Codd G.A. (1994) Cyanobacterial toxins and human health, Rev. Med. Microbiol. 4: 256-264.
15. Kardinal W.E.A., Visser P.M. (2005) Dynamics of cyanobacteria toxins. Sources of variability in microcystin concentratio ns, Harmful cyanobacteria. Netherlands: Spinger, 41 -63.
16. Al-Sultan E.Y.A. (2011) The Isolation, the purification and the identification of hepatotoxin Microcystin-LR from two cyanobacterial species and studying biological activity on some aquatic organisms, J. Basrah Res. (Sci.). 37:39–57.
17. Codd G.A. (1995) Cyanobacterial toxins: occurrence, properties and biological significance, Wat. Sci. Tech. 32:149–156.
18. Chaganty S., Golakoti T., Heltzel C., Moore R.E., Yoshida W.Y. (2004) Isolation and structure determination of cryptophycins 38, 326, and 327 from the terrestrial cyanobacterium Nostoc sp. GSV 224, J. Nat. Prod. 67:1403–1406.
19. Trimurtulu G., Ogino J., Helsel C.E., Husebo, Jensen C.M., Larsen L.K., Patterson G.M.L., Moore R.E., Mooberry S.I., Corbett T.H., Valeriote F.A. (1995) Structure determination, conformational analysis, chemical stability studies, and antitumor evaluation of the cryptophycins. Isolation of 18 new analogs from Nostoc sp. strain GSV 224, J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 117:12030–12049.
20. Okino T., Murakami M., Haraguchi R., Munekata H., Matsuda H., Yamaguchi K. (1993) Micropeptins A and B, plasmin and trypsin inhibitors from the blue-green alga Microcystis aeruginosa. Tetrahedron Lett. 34(50):8131–8134.