Influence of biomass of the mixed cultures of Chlorella as biological active additive on the growth of cells of microorganisms
microalgae, chlorella, enterobacteria, bifidobacteria, carotenoids, biological active additive.Abstract
The article presents data on accumulation of biomass productivity Chlorella sp. K-1 and Ch. pyrenoidosa C-2 mono- and mixed microalgae cultures. It is established that at cultivation of mixed cultures of microalgae, an increase in the biomass concentration of biologically active substances (protein, carotenoids, chlorophyll a and b) compared to mono culturally.
In the experiment, we studied the possibility of adding dry biomass of microalgae consortium as a biologically active additives in culture media of microorganisms. The results revealed that when added to the culture medium of dry biomass consortium of microalgae at a concentration of 2,0 g/l, an increase in the cell growth of Escherichia coli and Enterobacter aerogenes by 32,6 and 36,4%, whereas in strains of Proteus mirabilis and Shigella flexneri growth of cells is of 43,0% and 47,0% compared to control. Studying an influence of microalgae consortium (at a concentration of 2 g/l) on growth of different strains of bifidobacteria B. bifidum strain 6 and strain 4 by 2 and 3 times, B. longum K-1 и K-3 by 3,5 and 4 times respectively compared to control.
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