Antimicrobial activity of essential oils from several Kazakhstan plants
essential oils, antimicrobial activity, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Candida albicans,Abstract
Antimicrobial activity of 15 essential oil samples extracted from nine Kazakhstan plant species: Artemisia kotuchovii Kupr., Artemisia scoparia Waldst. et Kit., Artemisia absinthium L., Ferula iliensis Krasn. ex Korovin, Ferula ovina (Boiss.) Boiss., Heracleum dissectum Ldb., Angelica decurrens (Ledeb.) B. Fedtsch., Thymus marschallianus Willd. and Juniperus sabina L. has been determined. Essential oils were obtained separately from various plant parts at different phases of vegetation. Essential oil from Thymus marschallianus had the highest inhibitory effect on all the strains of microorganisms tested; at 0.31 µg/ml, it completely inhibited the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Candida albicans. High antimicrobial activity also possessed the essential oils from roots of endemic species Ferula iliensis; at 0.31 µg/ml these essential oils completely inhibited the growth of Candida albicans, and at 2.5 µg/ml also inhibited the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Essential oil extracted from the flowers and leaves of Artemisia kotuchovii at 1.25 µg/ml inhibited the growth of all the microorganisms studied. This is the first study demonstrating the antimicrobial activity of Kazakhstan's endemic species – Ferula iliensis and Artemisia kotuchovii.
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1. Mancini E, Senatore F, Del Monte D, De Martino L, Grulova D, Scognamiglio M, Snoussi M, De Feo V (2015) Studies on chemical composition, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of five Thymus vulgaris L. essential oils. Molecules, 20:12016-12028. DOI: 10.3390/molecules200712016.
2. Melo JO, Fachin AL, Rizo WF, Jesus HCR, Arrigoni-Blank MF, Alves PB, Marins MA, França SC, Blank AF (2014) Cytotoxic effects of essential oils from three Lippia gracilis Schauer genotypes on HeLa, B16, and MCF-7 cells and normal human fibroblasts. Genetics and Molecular Research, 13:2691-2697. DOI: 10.4238/2014.April.8.12.
3. Seema F, Vijaya PP, Manivannan V (2013) Immunomodulatory activity of geranial, geranial acetate, gingerol, and eugenol essential oils: evidence for humoral and cell-mediated responses. Avicenna J Phytomed, 3:224-230.
4. Chao S, Young G, Oberg C, Nakaoka K (2008) Inhibition of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) by essential oils. Flavour Fragr. J, 23:444-449. DOI: 10.1002/ffj.1904.
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17. Kavoosi G, Rowshan V (2013) Chemical composition and antimicrobial activities of essential oil obtained from Ferula assa-foetida oleo-gum-resin: Effect of collection time. Food Chemistry, 138:2180-2187. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2012.11.131.
18. Schepetkin IA, Kushnarenko SV, Özek G, Kirpotina LN, Utegenova GA, Kotukhov YA, Danilova AN, Özek T, Başer KHC, Quinn MT (2015) Inhibition of human neutrophil responses by essential oil of Artemisia kotuchovii and its constituents. J. Agric. Food Chem, 63:4999-5007. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b01307.