Biotope distribution and ecological groups of the Geometrid moths (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) Northern Tien Shan
Geometridae, Northern Tien Shan, biotopes, ecological groups.Abstract
In article to be given the result of researches biotope distribution of the geometrid of Northern Tien Shan. As a result of researches uneven distribution of geometrids on biotopes is noted. The greatest number of types of the geometrid meets in the lesolugovykh biotopes (the 49th species). Steppe biotopes occupy 35 species, others 23 species occupy meadow biotopes. 25 species prefer pustyno-steppe biotopes and the smallest quantity of species (4) lives in all biotopes. Depending on the biotope of the geometrid occupied by a look are subdivided into 4 main ecological groups: mesophilic, xerophilic, meso- xerophilic, ubiquists. Mesophilic are presented by 52 species and make 41% of total of fauna. These types prefer forest, river plains and meadow biotopes of different species. 49 (38%) species treat xerophilic which prefer steppe and desert-steppe biotopes. 24 species (18%) - meso- xerophilic the majority from which occupy meadow sites in steppe biotopes, ubiquists the 4th (3%) species live the in all the studied biotopes.References
1 Аникин B.B. Экологический обзор чешуекрылых (Lepidoptera) Нижнего Поволжья. I // Энтомол. обозр. 1997, LXXVI, 2, с. 309 317.
2 Волынкин А.В. Биотопическое распределение совок (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) Рус-ского Алтая // Известия Алтайского государственного университета, 2010а. – № 67. Вып. 3-1. – С. 17–20.
3 Камелин Р.В. Флорогенетический анализ естественной флоры Горной Средней Азии. Л., Наука, 1973, 354
4 Тахтаджян А. Л. Флористические области Земли.—Л.: Наука. 247 с
5 Hausmann, A. and J. Viidalepp 2012. The Geometrid Moths of Europe. Larentiinae I. Apollo Books: 743.
6 Hausmann A. 2001. The geometrid moths of Europe. Vol. 1. Introduction, Archiearinae, Orthostixinae, Desmobathrinae, Alsophilinae, Geometrinae. Stenstrup: Apollo Books. 282.
7 Hausmann A. 2004. The geometrid moths of Europe. Vol. 2. Stenstrup: Apollo Books. 600.
8 Viidalepp, J. 1988. The fauna of Geometrid Moths of the mountains of Central Asia. Moscow. (Nauka). 240.
9 Nazymbetova G. Sh., Hausmann H. A., Yelikbayev B. K., Taranov B.T. Ecologicalo-faunistic review of the Geometrid moths of northern Tien-Shaen Geometer Mountains (Lepidoptera, Geometridae). 2015.- баспада
10 Scoble, M. J. and Hausmann, A. 2007. Online list of valid and available names of the Geometridae of the World, http://www.lepbarcoding. org/geometridae/species_ checklists. php Page visited 19 March 2015.
1 Anikin B.B. Jekologicheskij obzor cheshuekrylyh (Lepidoptera) Nizhnego Povolzh'ja. I // Jentomol. obozr. 1997, LXXVI, 2, s. 309 317.
2 Volynkin A.V. Biotopicheskoe raspredelenie sovok (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) Russkogo Altaja // Izvestija Altajskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2010a. – № 67. Vyp. 3-1. – S. 17–20.
3 Kamelin R.V. Florogeneticheskij analiz estestvennoj flory Gornoj Srednej Azii. L., Nauka, 1973, 354
4 Tahtadzhjan A. L. Floristicheskie oblasti Zemli.—L.: Nauka. 247 s
5 Hausmann, A. and J. Viidalepp 2012. The Geometrid Moths of Europe. Larentiinae I. Apollo Books, 3: 743.
6 Hausmann A. 2001. The geometrid moths of Europe. Vol. 1. Introduction, Archiearinae, Orthostixinae, Desmobathrinae, Alsophilinae, Geometrinae. Stenstrup: Apollo Books. 282.
7 Hausmann A. 2004. The geometrid moths of Europe. Vol. 2. Stenstrup: Apollo Books. 600.
8 Viidalepp, J. 1988. The fauna of Geometrid Moths of the mountains of Central Asia. Moscow. (Nauka). 240.
9 Nazymbetova G. Sh., Hausmann H. A., Yelikbayev B. K., Taranov B.T. Ecologicalo-faunistic review of the Geometrid moths of northern Tien-Shaen Geometer Mountains (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) 2015 – in press.
10 Scoble, M. J. and Hausmann, A. 2007. Online list of valid and available names of the Geometridae of the World, http://www.lepbarcoding. org/geometridae/species_ checklists. php Page visited 19 March 2015.
1 Аникин B.B. Экологический обзор чешуекрылых (Lepidoptera) Нижнего Поволжья. I // Энтомол. обозр. 1997, LXXVI, 2, с. 309 317.
2 Волынкин А.В. Биотопическое распределение совок (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) Рус-ского Алтая // Известия Алтайского государственного университета, 2010а. – № 67. Вып. 3-1. – С. 17–20.
3 Камелин Р.В. Флорогенетический анализ естественной флоры Горной Средней Азии. Л., Наука, 1973, 354
4 Тахтаджян А. Л. Флористические области Земли.—Л.: Наука. 247 с
5 Hausmann, A. and J. Viidalepp 2012. The Geometrid Moths of Europe. Larentiinae I. Apollo Books: 743.
6 Hausmann A. 2001. The geometrid moths of Europe. Vol. 1. Introduction, Archiearinae, Orthostixinae, Desmobathrinae, Alsophilinae, Geometrinae. Stenstrup: Apollo Books. 282.
7 Hausmann A. 2004. The geometrid moths of Europe. Vol. 2. Stenstrup: Apollo Books. 600.
8 Viidalepp, J. 1988. The fauna of Geometrid Moths of the mountains of Central Asia. Moscow. (Nauka). 240.
9 Nazymbetova G. Sh., Hausmann H. A., Yelikbayev B. K., Taranov B.T. Ecologicalo-faunistic review of the Geometrid moths of northern Tien-Shaen Geometer Mountains (Lepidoptera, Geometridae). 2015.- баспада
10 Scoble, M. J. and Hausmann, A. 2007. Online list of valid and available names of the Geometridae of the World, http://www.lepbarcoding. org/geometridae/species_ checklists. php Page visited 19 March 2015.
1 Anikin B.B. Jekologicheskij obzor cheshuekrylyh (Lepidoptera) Nizhnego Povolzh'ja. I // Jentomol. obozr. 1997, LXXVI, 2, s. 309 317.
2 Volynkin A.V. Biotopicheskoe raspredelenie sovok (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) Russkogo Altaja // Izvestija Altajskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2010a. – № 67. Vyp. 3-1. – S. 17–20.
3 Kamelin R.V. Florogeneticheskij analiz estestvennoj flory Gornoj Srednej Azii. L., Nauka, 1973, 354
4 Tahtadzhjan A. L. Floristicheskie oblasti Zemli.—L.: Nauka. 247 s
5 Hausmann, A. and J. Viidalepp 2012. The Geometrid Moths of Europe. Larentiinae I. Apollo Books, 3: 743.
6 Hausmann A. 2001. The geometrid moths of Europe. Vol. 1. Introduction, Archiearinae, Orthostixinae, Desmobathrinae, Alsophilinae, Geometrinae. Stenstrup: Apollo Books. 282.
7 Hausmann A. 2004. The geometrid moths of Europe. Vol. 2. Stenstrup: Apollo Books. 600.
8 Viidalepp, J. 1988. The fauna of Geometrid Moths of the mountains of Central Asia. Moscow. (Nauka). 240.
9 Nazymbetova G. Sh., Hausmann H. A., Yelikbayev B. K., Taranov B.T. Ecologicalo-faunistic review of the Geometrid moths of northern Tien-Shaen Geometer Mountains (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) 2015 – in press.
10 Scoble, M. J. and Hausmann, A. 2007. Online list of valid and available names of the Geometridae of the World, http://www.lepbarcoding. org/geometridae/species_ checklists. php Page visited 19 March 2015.
How to Cite
Nazymbetova, G. S., Yelikbayev, B. K., & Taranov, B. T. (2016). Biotope distribution and ecological groups of the Geometrid moths (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) Northern Tien Shan. Experimental Biology, 65(3), 62–67. Retrieved from