Some aspects of biodiversity conservation of fruit and berry cultures in the Central Kazakhstan
untroduction, limit factor, cultivar, apple-tree, pear-tree, black currant, strawberry,Abstract
Result of many years researches have shown that main factors restricting an introduction of apple and pear cultivars are severe and prolonged frosts in the middle of a winter with little snow in the arid zone of Central Kazakhstan. Norcue, Norland and Norda apples from Canada, Uralskoe nalivnoe, Letnee polosatoe apples from Ural, Baganenok and Alenkii Tsvetochek apples from Siberia, and Barnaulskaya Krupnaya, Malinovka, Krasnoyarskaya Krupnaya and Veselinka pears from Siberia, Krasulya pear from Ural, Chizhovskaya, Petrovskaya and Lada pears from European part of Russia are very winter hardy to restricting factors of the arid zone of Central Kazakhstan. Altaiskaya Pozdnyaya, Bariyton, Lama, Galinka, Natasha and Rita Altaic black currants did not have injuries after the coldest winter of 2011/2012 during research period and had good yield. Result of many years researches have shown that strawberries are in need of covering in connection with little snow and severe winters. Preliminary researches of new strawberry cultivars have shown that Princess Diana strawberry (England) and Capri strawberry (Italy) are high-yielding cultivars. Kupchikha strawberry from Russia has good taste and high steadiness.References
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2 Programma i metodika sortoizuchenija plodovyh, jagodnyh i orehoplodnyh kul’tur / Pod red. E.N. Sedova i T.P. Ogol’covoj. – Orel: VNIISPK, 1999. – 607 s.
3 Andrianova N.G. Zimnie povrezhdenija introducirovannyh sortov jab-loni i grushi v Central’nom Kazahstane // Mat. 5 mezhd. biol. konf.: Intro-dukcija rastenij. – SPb., 2011. – S. 15-21.
4 Gusta L.V., Wisniewski M. Understanding plant cold hardiness: an opinion // Physiology Plantarum. – 2013. – Vol. 147. – R. 4-14.
5 Rezvjakova S.V. Adaptivnyj potencial ustojchivosti grushi k stress-faktoram zimnego perioda // Vestnik Orel GAU. – 2013. – № 1. – S. 84-88.
6 Magazin N., Keserovis Z., Milis B., Doris M. Nutritional values of three oganically grown blackcurrant cultivars // Acta-Horticulturae. – 2012. – No. 946. – R. 419-422.
7 Pluta S.N. Chalenges in the Ribes breeding and production // Acta Horticulturae. – 2012. – No. 946. – R. 27-35.
8 Sazonov F.F. Sovremennyj sortiment smorodiny chernoj i ishodnyj material v selekcii // Sadovodstvo i vinogradarstvo. – 2011. – № 3. –S. 14-17.
1. Драгавцева И.А., Кузьмина А.А., Савин И.Ю. Адаптация плодовых культур с учетом фенологических фаз развития к экстремальным климатическим проявлениям в Ставропольском крае // Плодоводство и виноградарство Юга России. 2012. № 17. С. 58-63.
2. Программа и методика сортоизучения плодовых, ягодных и орехоплодных культур / Под ред. Е.Н. Седова и Т.П. Огольцовой. Орел: ВНИИСПК, 1999. 607 с.
3. Андрианова Н.Г. Зимние повреждения интродуцированных сортов яблони и груши в Центральном Казахстане // Мат. 5 межд. биол. конф.: Интродукция растений. – СПб., 2011. С. 15-21.
4 Gusta L.V., Wisniewski M. Understanding plant cold hardiness: an opinion // Physiology Plantarum. – 2013. – Vol. 147. – Р. 4–14.
5. Резвякова С.В. Адаптивный потенциал устойчивости груши к стресс-факторам зимнего периода // Вестник Орел ГАУ. 2013. № 1. С. 84-88.
6. Magazin N., Keseroviс Z., Miliс B., Doriс M. Nutritional values of three oganically grown blackcurrant cultivars // ActaHorticulturae2012. No. 946. Р. 419-422.
7. Pluta S.N. Chalenges in the Ribes breeding and production // Acta Horticulturae 2012. No. 946. Р. 27-35.
8. Сазонов Ф.Ф. Современный сортимент смородины черной и исходный материал в селекции // Садоводство и виноградарство. 2011. № 3. С. 14-17.
1 Dragavceva I.A., Kuz’mina A.A., Savin I.Ju. Adaptacija plodovyh kul’tur s uchetom fenologicheskih faz razvitija k jekstremal’nym klimaticheskim projavlenijam v Stavropol’skom krae // Plodovodstvo i vinogradarstvo Juga Rossii. – 2012. – №17. – S. 58-63.ISSN 1563-0218 KazN U Bulletin. Biology series. №3 (65). 2015 17 Андрианова Н.Г., Сиротина Т.О.
2 Programma i metodika sortoizuchenija plodovyh, jagodnyh i orehoplodnyh kul’tur / Pod red. E.N. Sedova i T.P. Ogol’covoj. – Orel: VNIISPK, 1999. – 607 s.
3 Andrianova N.G. Zimnie povrezhdenija introducirovannyh sortov jab-loni i grushi v Central’nom Kazahstane // Mat. 5 mezhd. biol. konf.: Intro-dukcija rastenij. – SPb., 2011. – S. 15-21.
4 Gusta L.V., Wisniewski M. Understanding plant cold hardiness: an opinion // Physiology Plantarum. – 2013. – Vol. 147. – R. 4-14.
5 Rezvjakova S.V. Adaptivnyj potencial ustojchivosti grushi k stress-faktoram zimnego perioda // Vestnik Orel GAU. – 2013. – № 1. – S. 84-88.
6 Magazin N., Keserovis Z., Milis B., Doris M. Nutritional values of three oganically grown blackcurrant cultivars // Acta-Horticulturae. – 2012. – No. 946. – R. 419-422.
7 Pluta S.N. Chalenges in the Ribes breeding and production // Acta Horticulturae. – 2012. – No. 946. – R. 27-35.
8 Sazonov F.F. Sovremennyj sortiment smorodiny chernoj i ishodnyj material v selekcii // Sadovodstvo i vinogradarstvo. – 2011. – № 3. –S. 14-17.
How to Cite
Andrianova, N. G., & Sirotina, T. O. (2016). Some aspects of biodiversity conservation of fruit and berry cultures in the Central Kazakhstan. Experimental Biology, 65(3), 10–17. Retrieved from