surfactants, wheat, cell division activity, mitosis.Abstract
The aim of this work was to study the activity of mitotic cell division of wheat embryonic root meristem under the influence of various surfactants. The findings suggest that the different chemical nature of surfactants have the ability to inhibit the division activity in wheat root system meristem cells. The effect of various surfactants at 0.5% concentration might be allocated as follows: Tween 85 - Triton X-100 - Tween 65 - Tween 20 - Triton X-305. The effect of various surfactants at 1% concentration might be allocated as follows: Triton X-100 - Tween 85 - Triton X-305 - Tween 65 - Tween 20. 1% concentration of surfactants was shown as optimal for wheat mutant forms.References
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1. Yeliseyev S.A., Cooper R.V. Surfactants and biotechnology / Kiev: Sci.Thought. – 2011. – 209 p.
2. Rinallo C., Bennici A., Cenni E. Effects of two surfactans on Triticum durum // Environmental and experimental botany. – 1988. – 28(4). – P. 367-374.
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1 Елисеев С.А., Купер Р.В. ПАВ и биотехнология / Киев: Наук. Думка. –2011. – 209 с.
2 Rinallo C, Bennici A,. Cenni E. Effects of two surfactans on Triticum durum. // Environmental and experimental botany. – 1988. – V. 28, № 4. – P. 367-374.
3 Ostroumov S.A. Studying effects of some surfactants and detergents on filter-feeding bivalves // Hydrobiologia. – 2003. – 500: Р.341-344.
4 Артюхов В.Г., Калаев В.Н., Карпова С.С. Цитогенетический полимор¬физм семенного потомства деревьев березы повислой (Betula pendula Roth), произрастающих в различных экологических условиях // Экологическая генетика. – 2009. – Т. 7, № 1. – С.30-40.
5 Аксенова Л.А., Зак Е.А., Бочарова М.А. Влияние предпосевной обработки семян пшеницы поверхностно-активными веществами на их прорастание при неблагоприятных условиях // Физиология растений. – 1990. – Т. 37, Вып.5. – С. 1004-1007.
6 Дунаева М.В., Клячко Н.Л. Сравнительное исследование влияния ПАВ на пшеницу // Физиология растений. – 1992. – Т.39, Вып.1. – С. 151-156.
7 Калашник Н.А. Хромосомные нарушения как индикатор оценки степе¬ни техногенного воздействия на хвойные насаждения // Экология. – 2008. № 4. – С. 276-286.
8 Пухальский В.А., Соловьев А.А., Бадаева Е.Д, Юрцев В.Н. Практикум по цитологии и цитогенетике растений. 2007. М.: Колос. – 198 с.
9 Рокицкий П.Ф. Биологическая статистика. 1973..М.: Колос –327 с.
1. Yeliseyev S.A., Cooper R.V. Surfactants and biotechnology / Kiev: Sci.Thought. – 2011. – 209 p.
2. Rinallo C., Bennici A., Cenni E. Effects of two surfactans on Triticum durum // Environmental and experimental botany. – 1988. – 28(4). – P. 367-374.
3. Ostroumov S.A. Studying effects of some surfactants and detergents on filter-feeding bivalves // Hydrobiology. – 2003. – Vol. 500. – P.341-344.
4. Artyukhov V.G., Kalayev V.N., Karpova S.S. Cytogenetic polymorphism of seed posterity of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) trees, growing in various ecological conditions // Ecological genetics. – 2009. – 7(1). – P. 30-40.
5. Aksenova L.A., Zack E.A., Bocharova M.A. Effect of preseeding processing of wheat seeds with surfactants on their germination under adverse conditions // Plants physiology. – 1990. – 37(5). – P. 1004-1007.
6. Dunayeva M.V., Klyachko N.L. Comparative study of surfactants influence on wheat // Plants physiology. – 1992. – 39(1). – P. 151-156.
7. Kalashnik N.A. Chromosomal alterations as indicator of an assessment of a degree of technogenic impact on coniferous plants // Ecology. – 2008. – No. 4. – P. 276-286.
8. Pukhalskyi V.A., Solovyov A.A., Badayeva E.D, Yurtsev V.N. Praktikum on cytology and cytogenetics of plants. – 2007. M.: Spike. – 198 p.
9. Rokitskyi P.F. Biological statistics. – 1973. M.: Spike. – 327 p.
How to Cite
Omirbekova, N. Z., Zhunusbayeva, Z. K., & Zhussupova, A. I. (2016). CYTOGENETIC REACTIONS OF SOFT WHEAT UNDER THE SURFACTANTS ACTION. Experimental Biology, 63(1), 134–138. Retrieved from
Experimental biology. Biological bases of genofonds and the development of scientific research in the field of plant