
  • L. Damdinsuren Mongolian University of Science and Technology
  • Ts. Selenge Mongolian University of Science and Technology
  • D. Tsend-Ayush Mongolian University of Science and Technology
        56 101

Ключевые слова:

SWOT, production, supply, export, market,


Моngolia besides fully supplying its population’s meat demand, it also has 30-40 thousand ton of meat reserve annually, other value added products of butchering, total of 100 million USD export products, also meat processing and exporting experiences [1]. Therefore guaranting pastoral Mongolian meat’s value, informing international market, improving value added meat and meat products export has important significance in Mongolian meat industry, stock raising and its veterinary development. Моngolia has enough meat reserve and its law, legal environment, state policy and strategy have been basically defined to support and develop meat market. Mongolian meat market analysis results have been united and completed in SWOT analysis, and some strategysuggestions have been promoted for value chain’s renewal.

Библиографические ссылки

1. L.Dadminsuren. Mongolian meat industry development strategy.- // Collected report of International scientific practical conferences, Bashkortoston, March 25-26 of 2010, pages 216-221

2. L.Damdinsuren. Mongolia’s meat market various analysis, strategy. - //“Proper usage of food-technology” Research conference summa , UB., 2011

3. Report of Meat value chain study, Mongolian Organic Meat Research Center., UB.,2011

4. Mongolian Statistical Yearbook, 2010

5. Agriculture sector in 2010, National Statistical Office of Mongolia

6. www.monorgmeat.mn


Как цитировать

Damdinsuren, L., Selenge, T., & Tsend-Ayush, D. (2017). МEAT VALUE CHAIN ANALYSIS,RENEWAL STRATEGYIN MONGOLIA. Вестник КазНУ. Серия биологическая, 56(4), 53–57. извлечено от https://bb.kaznu.kz/index.php/biology/article/view/314