Influence of a low-temperature stress on amino acid structure of wheat isoperoxidases
amino acid structure, isoperoxidases, water repellency (hydrophobicity), cluster analysis, lowtemperature stress, wheatAbstract
Under the influence of a low-temperature stress changes of amino acid structure of the cathode isoperoxidases A25 and A32 from seedlings of various frost resistance wheat were observed. Three groups of the amino acids are revealed, which content increases, decreases and varies slightly under the low-temperature conditions. Changes of average water repellency (hydrophobicity) of amino acid structure of isoperoxidases, also the content of histidine, lysine, arginine, alanine, serine at the low-temperature action are obtained. In the correlation analysis entering the clustering program, high coefficients of correlation between separate amino acids are established. The received results testify in favor of modifications of activity and isoenzyme structure of the peroxidases necessary for reorganization of plant metabolic processes in the temperature stress conditionsReferences
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10. Бергер В.Я. и Подлипаева Ю.И. Cтрессорные белки и соленость внешней среды.// Труды Зоологического института РАН , 2013. – Прил. № . –С. 22–32.
11. Miao Y., Lv D., Wang P., Wang X.C., Chen J., Miao C., Song C.P. An Arabidopsis glutathione peroxidase functions as both a redox transducer and a scavenger in abscisic acid and drought stress responses. // Plant Cell, 2006. – V. 18. -P. 2749–2766.
12. Haluskova L., Valentovicova K., Huttova J., Mistrık I., Tamas L. Effect of abiotic stresses on glutathione peroxidase and glutathione S-transferase activity in barley root tips .//Plant Physiology and Biochemistry , 2009/ -V.47 . –P.1069–1074.
13. Milla M.A.R., Maurer A., Huete A.R., Gustafson J.P. Glutathione peroxidase genes in Arabidopsis are ubiquitous and regulated by abiotic stresses through diverse signalling pathways. // Plant J., 2003 – V.36 . - P. 602–615.
How to Cite
Tazhibayeva, T. L. (2015). Influence of a low-temperature stress on amino acid structure of wheat isoperoxidases. Experimental Biology, 60(2), 410–413. Retrieved from