Influence of cultivation temperature on the biomass, lipids yield and total fatty acids content of fungal isolates


  • Y. S. Tsurkan Казахский национальный университет имени ал-Фараби
  • A. V. Goncharova Казахский национальный университет имени ал-Фараби
  • T. A. Karpenyuk Казахский национальный университет имени ал-Фараби
  • S. S. Zhazikbaeva Казахский национальный университет имени ал-Фараби
  • S. T. S.T. Kenesheva Казахский национальный университет имени ал-Фараби
  • B. B. Azimhanova Казахский национальный университет имени ал-Фараби
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fungi, biomass, lipids, fatty acids, cultivation temperature.


This study was carried out to determine the influence of cultivation temperature of filamentous fungi Fusarium sp., P. raistrickii, P. anatolicum on the biomass, lipids yield and total fatty acids content. It is shown that more intensive accumulation of biomass and lipids was observed at temperature 18°C. The temperature decreasing from 28 to 18°C tended to increasing FA unsaturation.


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How to Cite

Tsurkan, Y. S., Goncharova, A. V., Karpenyuk, T. A., Zhazikbaeva, S. S., S.T. Kenesheva, S. T., & Azimhanova, B. B. (2015). Influence of cultivation temperature on the biomass, lipids yield and total fatty acids content of fungal isolates. Experimental Biology, 60(2), 388–390. Retrieved from

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