Study on microbiocenoses in rhizosphere of tomato cultivated in agroecosystems of Southern Kazakhstan.
agroecosystem, tomato, microbiocenosis, bacteria, fung,Abstract
The quantitative composition of ecologo-trophic groups of microorganisms in rhizosphere of tomato cultivated in Southern Kazakhstan was established. The average annual quantitative presence was estimated for: actinomycetes - 1.56·105, oligotrophs - 1.43·107, bacilli - 5.94·105, fungi - 7.6·103. It was shown that actinomycetes are predominant in the spring vegetation period, oligotrophs - in the autumn vegetation period, sporeforming bacteria of the genus Bacillus - in the summer and autumn vegetation periods. Keywords:References
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How to Cite
Sadanov А. K., Ultanbekova, G. D., Baygonusova, Z. A., & Mahanbetova, G. M. (2015). Study on microbiocenoses in rhizosphere of tomato cultivated in agroecosystems of Southern Kazakhstan. Experimental Biology, 60(2), 367–370. Retrieved from