Accumulation of economically important metabolites of diatoms Anomoeoneis elliptica Zakrz. growing on various nutrient media


  • S. A. Dzhokebaeva НИИ проблем биологии и биотехнологии КазНУ им.аль-Фараби
  • T. A. Karpenyuk НИИ проблем биологии и биотехнологии КазНУ им.аль-Фараби
  • S. B. Orazova НИИ проблем биологии и биотехнологии КазНУ им.аль-Фараби
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diatoms, growth, pigments, proteins, lipids


The accumulation of economically important metabolites A.elliptica depends on the medium. We defined culture media, providing high intensity of growth, photosynthesis and the accumulation of reserve substances. After cultivation on Chu 10 medium diatom cells accumulate approximately 70% lipids.


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How to Cite

Dzhokebaeva, S. A., Karpenyuk, T. A., & Orazova, S. B. (2015). Accumulation of economically important metabolites of diatoms Anomoeoneis elliptica Zakrz. growing on various nutrient media. Experimental Biology, 59(3/1), 76–79. Retrieved from



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