In vitro culture introduction of Silene genus of Caryophyllaceae family endemic species
endemic, seed bank, micropropagation, germination, growth media, rooting of microcutting.Abstract
Micropropagation and rooting protocols for 6 endemic species of Silene genus species were developed. Chemical and mechanical stratification and cold and warm stratification methods were used. Germination period of various species highly varied and temperature change was required for germination besides long term cultivation. Optimal media for each species cultivation were selected. Impact of various hormones addition to MS medium on rhizogenesis induction was studied and media for plantlet rooting were selected. The optimal medium for rooting of 4 endemics – S. fetissovii, S. obovata, S. sussamyrica and S. ladyginae was MS medium with addition IAA (1mg/l). S. obovata normal plantlets with good root system were formed both on MS medium and with addition of 1 mg/l IAA. For S. schischkinii the optimal medium for micropropagation was MS medium with addition of BAP (0.1 mg/l) and GA (0.2 mg/l). The most suitable medium for micropropagation and rooting S. eviscosa was MS medium with addition kinetin (0.1 mg/l) and GA (0.2 mg/l). MS medium was optimal medium for rooting of all species with addition IAA (1 mg/l).References
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How to Cite
Umralina, A. R. (2015). In vitro culture introduction of Silene genus of Caryophyllaceae family endemic species. Experimental Biology, 58(2), 55–60. Retrieved from