species composition, dendroflora, woody and shrubby plants, green spacesAbstract
This article provides up-to-date information on the current state of the tree and shrub flora of certain districts of the city of Astana, divided into 5 main sections. During the inventory of green spaces, in the studied areas, we identified the species composition of the dendroflora and compiled an assortment of plants represented by 36 species. As a result, it was found: group plantings are represented by 25 species of which 64 % are tree species and 36 % are shrubs; alleys are characterized by 11 species of which 81,8 % are trees and 18,2 % are shrubs; in the form of single plantings (tapeworms) 10 species, of which 90 % are trees and 10 % are shrubs; in the form of hedges there are 7 species, 14, 2 % trees and 85,7 % shrubs.
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