Circadian rhythms of the cardiovascular system in patients with diabets mellitus type 2 in the spring season


  • N. T. Ablaikhanova
  • S. Tuleukhanov
  • M. S. Kulbaeva
  • L. Zh. Gumarova
  • G. A. Tussupbekova
  • Nurzat T. Ablaikhanova
  • A. Yessenbekova
  • A. Ydyrys Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty

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The study of the biorhythms of the structure allows for more accurate and friendly evaluation of parameters and dynamics of the time organisms of biological systems. At the time, I was unable to cope with the acute aspiration to study the reproductive system of the reproductive system, or when the pathological disorders came out. In the described terms, biorhythms and time management system are characterized by lability and plasticity of parameters.

At the present time, the simple biological process of the rhythmicity of the simple biomedical process, but also the internal structure of the biorhythmic system, its normal size and degree, are initiated by pathological narrowing of biorhythm. The greater the value of the structure is the presence of rhythms in the adaptation process, as well as in the forming of physiological changes in differential stressful suppressions, in the mornings, and in the saccharide diabetes. Based on the above, it seems relevant to study the chronostructural reorganization of the electrocardiogram rhythms of the body with physiological and pathological changes in groups of healthy people and in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in order to assess the degree of influence of diseases on the cardiovascular system of the human body.

Keywords: biorhythm, temporary organization, chronostructure, cardiovascular system, type 2 diabetes.


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How to Cite

Ablaikhanova, N. T., Tuleukhanov, S., Kulbaeva, M. S., Gumarova, L. Z., Tussupbekova, G. A., Ablaikhanova, N. T., Yessenbekova, A., & Ydyrys, A. (2020). Circadian rhythms of the cardiovascular system in patients with diabets mellitus type 2 in the spring season. Experimental Biology, 81(4), 110–121.




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