Analysis of synthetic pyrethroids and phosphorus - organic insecticides by gas chromatography using electron capture detector
chromatography, insecticide, synthetic pyrethroids, detector, plant protection,Abstract
Optimal conditions were studied to determine the procedure of pesticides residues of pyrethroids (Alpha-Cypermethrin, lambda-cyhalothrin) and organo-phosphorus compounds (Dimethoate, chlorpyrifos), used to protect the crop from pests. optimal conditions procedure on the gas chromatograph Shimadzu-"2010" with electron capture detector and capillary columnSPB-608 for active ingredients of insecticides: Alpha-Cypermethrin, Lambda-cyhalotrin, chlorpyriphos and dimetoata. The limits of detection of insecticide active ingredients were Alpha-Cypermethrin-0.019 NG, lambda-cyhalothrin-0.015 NG, Dimethoate is 0.055 NG and chlorpyrifos-0.009 NG, at a mass hanging of the object being analyzed 10 grams and the final volume of the extract 2.0 ml. Sensitivity of the method is as follows: Alpha- zypermethrin-0.004 mg/kg; lambda-cyhalothrin-0.003 and dimethoate, chlorpyrifos-0.01 mg/kg, which is more than 10 times lower than the maximum acceptable level (MRL) of pesticides for most crops.References
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How to Cite
Issenova, G. D., Zukerman М. V., & Sheveleva Y. А. (2015). Analysis of synthetic pyrethroids and phosphorus - organic insecticides by gas chromatography using electron capture detector. Experimental Biology, 60(2), 129–133. Retrieved from