Optimization of the conditions of ELISA for the diagnosis of FMD virus type A
By concentration of PEG-6000 and purification with chloroform, strain "Talasskiy" of FMD virus type A is prepared with purified antigens, the activity of which was in CBR 1:32-1:64. For diagnostic sera antigens were subjected to additional purification after 30% sucrose cushion at 35,000 rpm for 2 hours. After purification, the antigen activity was 1:16-1: 32. Using purified antigen of FMD virus type A antiserums on sheep, pigs and rabbits with activity 1:8-1:64 were obtained. From antisera by Kohn isolated immunoglobulin, whose activity in the DPR was 1: 32, and the protein concentration ranging from 41.84 mg / ml to 60.2 mg / ml.
Periodate using the method of M. B. Wilson, P. K. Nakane on the basis of specific porcine globulin conjugate prepared to optimize the conditions of production ELISA.
The prepared diagnostic preparations are used to optimize the conditions for the formulation of ELISA for the diagnosis of FMD type A.
The optimized version of ELISA proved to be sensitive and effective in the study of heterogeneous and homogeneous biomaterials.
Key words: FMD type A, immunoassay, immunoglobulin, immunization, antigen
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