Summary of species of the genus Сalamagrostis Adans. (Sem. Poaceae Barnhart) of Kazakhstan Altai, Sauro-Manrak and Zaisan Depression


  • Yu. A. Kotuchov Altai Botanical Garden, Kazakhstan, Ridder
  • A. N. Danilova
  • S. A. Kubentaev
  • O. A. Anufrieva Алтайский ботанический сад, Казахстан, г. Риддер

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An abstract of the genus Сalamagrostis Adans. compiled by the authors on the basis of field work carried out during 1970-2018, as well as used fees of other collectors stored in the herbarium funds of Republican state-owned enterprises on the right of economic management "Altai Botanical Garden" (Ridder) and the Institute of Botany and Phyto-Production (Almaty city).

The purpose of research: clarification of the species composition and distribution of species of the genus Calamagrostis Adans. (Sem. Poaceae Barnhart) in the territory of the Kazakhstan Altai, the Altai ranges and the Zaisan depression.

In the studied territories, 17 species of the genus Calamagrostis Adans were established. from subtribes of field species (Agrostidinae Griseb.) and 3 sections (Deyeuxia (Clar.) Dum., Calamagrostis Dum., Pseudophragmites Tzvel.). The study of herbarium specimens and literature data made it possible to supplement the species composition of the genus Calamagrostis Adans. Kazakhstan 5 species: Calamagrostis macilenta (Griseb.) Litv., Calamagrostis uralensis Litv., Calamagrostis langsdorffii (Link) Trin., Calamagrostis phragmitoides Hartm., Calamagrostis glomerata Boiss. et Buhse. In a systematic sense, the largest number of species is represented by the section Deyeuxia (Clar.) Dum. - 7 types (42.2%); Calamagrostis Dum. and Pseudophragmites Tzvel. 5 types (58.8%). The nature of life forms is dominated by long rhizomes - 13 (76.5%), the proportion of rooted rhizomes - 4 (23.5%) species. Ecologically, mesophytes prevail - 8 (47.0%), the proportion of mesohygrophytes - 5 (29.4%), mesoxerophytes - 2 (11.8%) and mesopetrophytes - 2 (11.8%). Species saturation in the studied region: Central Altai - 10 species (58.8% of the total number of species); Southern Altai - 13 (76.5%); Western Altai - 9 (52.9%); Kalba Altai - 10 (58.8%); Zaisan Depression - 4 (23.5%); Sauro-Manrak - 5 (29.4%). Endems are not established in this region.

Keywords: abstract, genus Calamagrostis, Kazakhstan Altai, Sauro-Manrak, Zaisan Depression, spread, incidence


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How to Cite

Kotuchov, Y. A., Danilova, A. N., Kubentaev, S. A., & Anufrieva, O. A. (2019). Summary of species of the genus Сalamagrostis Adans. (Sem. Poaceae Barnhart) of Kazakhstan Altai, Sauro-Manrak and Zaisan Depression. Experimental Biology, 79(2), 20–31.