Identification foreign cultivars of winter wheat resistant to yellow rust P.striiformis West.f.sp.tritici. in conditions of south-eastern Kazakhstan
wheat, yellow rust, yellow rust resistance, resistance genes, genetics of resistance,Abstract
Yellow rust is to the most harmful diseases of wheat. In order to identify carriers of disease resistance hold phytopathologic evaluation of foreign samples of winter wheat to yellow rust in the conditions south-eastearn of Kazakhstan. Phytopathological evaluation showed, that 9 samples resistant to yellow rust. According to the complex productivity traits selected 7 samples which components distinguished by high levels of productivity. Identified five samples of wheat that combine resistance to yellow rust and high level productivity traits. The data obtained can be used in breeding programs to formation resistant cultivars of wheat to yellow rust resistance.References
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How to Cite
Kumarbayeva, M. T., & Kokhmetova, A. M. (2015). Identification foreign cultivars of winter wheat resistant to yellow rust P.striiformis West.f.sp.tritici. in conditions of south-eastern Kazakhstan. Experimental Biology, 60(2), 73–76. Retrieved from