Morphological characteristics of early embryogenesis of human triploid embryos


  • S. B. Baikoshkarova Human Reproduction clinic "Ecomed", Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty
  • Zh. B. Sabyrbek Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
  • L. S. Sadybekova Taraz State University named after M.H.Dulati, Republic of Kazakhstan, Taraz
  • A. M. Mahambetova Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilev, Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana
  • G. A. Umorbekova Human Reproduction clinic "Ecomed", Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty
  • S. K. Kurmanaliyev Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
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in vitro fertilization, embryo, genetic diagnosis, diandra, diginiya, dispermy, triploidy.


In the programs of assisted reproductive technology (ART) is often possible to observe the appearance of triploid zygotes. There are three main mechanisms for the formation of triploid embryos: diandra, diginiya, dispermy. Morphokinetical and genetic features of triploid embryos are still unknown. The ontogenetic development path of these embryos can be different. It depends on mechanism of fertilization and potential of embryos. This article deals with the morphological characteristics of early embryogenesis of triploid embryos compared with diploid in ART programs.

To conduct these studies, 75 cycles of preimplantation genetic diagnosis were analyzed in 75 couples who had undergone various ART programs. Morphological characteristics of development of 183 triploid zygotes in in vitro conditions were studied and the following results were obtained: a comparative evaluation of oocyte fertilization in women of different age range showed a positive correlation between the frequency of abnormal fertilization and the age of women. In particular, a pronounced dependence of the frequency of formation of triploids was found depending on the age of the patients; The ontogenetic path of development of human triploid embryos does not differ from the early embryonic development of diploid embryos at the cleavage stage; The frequency of blastulation on the fifth day of embryo cultivation is significantly higher in the group of diploid human embryos.


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How to Cite

Baikoshkarova, S. B., Sabyrbek, Z. B., Sadybekova, L. S., Mahambetova, A. M., Umorbekova, G. A., & Kurmanaliyev, S. K. (2018). Morphological characteristics of early embryogenesis of human triploid embryos. Experimental Biology, 70(1), 58–65. Retrieved from

